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Los Tres Amigos: Joe Biden, Lopez-Obrador and Justin Trudeau Deliver Remarks Following North American Summit

Given the fulsome context of the latest ideological alignment coming from the North American Summit, I am entirely certain the ordinary people in the U.S. and Canada do not have any idea just how badly things are likely to deteriorate in the near future.  However, for the ordinary people of Mexico, already living in a situation of day-to-day survival, they will not likely note any difference.

White House occupant Joe Biden, Mexican President Lopez-Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered remarks yesterday at the conclusion of their trilateral discussions. You can watch the entire speech set HERE with the full transcript below.  What follows is a painful, albeit brutally honest, assessment of the remarks and the predictable future they contain.

AMLO is a soft socialist but has previously indicated his tendency toward economic nationalism.  Trudeau is a modern leftist and a true globalist at heart.   Biden is a puppet for the modern American political left and economically concerned only for his personal crime syndicate financial situation.  Behind Biden’s politics is a blend of Obama domestic ideology and a willingness to align with interventionist foreign policy that benefits his personal financial interests.

♦ IMMIGRATION – On the issue of mass illegal immigration, Trudeau can wax philosophically about the virtues of multiculturalism and diversity because the United States provides a 2,500-mile migration filtration and border protection zone.  For the United States, Joe Biden speaks about the endless ability of America to absorb millions of migrants in the sake of humanity. Biden’s position has little to do with the economic damage created by mass migration because he and his leftist allies are disconnected from the chaos, protected by walls and personal security.

On the issue of illegal migration, it is AMLO’s position that carries the most consequence because Mexico is the funnel control mechanism.  It is clear in his remarks that AMLO is a socialist on the issue of unlimited migration, and he has no compulsion to stop the flow of human trafficking from south and central America into the United States.

All three leaders speak of the need to look at the origin of immigration, the conditions in places like Guatemala, Honduras, el-Salvador etc. as the focus of their attention.  According to the three amigos it is apparently the responsibility of those living a better life in the United States to provide economic stability, security, social programs and education systems to the less developed nations.   In essence, it is the responsibility of American citizens to ensure the quality of life in South and Central America.

There is no sunlight between the three leaders as to the open border policies they support.  Sure, there are some words about the various “legal processes” and a high-minded politispeak about visas and various control mechanisms; however, there is zero willingness on their part to ensure national border security for any of the three North American nations, Mexico, the United States and Canada.

Apparently, all three leaders view North America as having the ability to absorb the rest of the hemisphere without any regard to the damaged lifestyle for those already living in the U.S.

♦ ECONOMY – On the economic systems and various issues surrounding economics and trade.   Justin Trudeau expresses his commitment to the retention of the Canadian economy as an assembler of products that arrive from other countries.  This permits his economy to operate without the need for the exploitative industries around raw material extraction.

Canada can wax philosophically about their “green” climate change economy, because all of the dirty work takes place somewhere else, and the component parts are delivered to the Canadians for clean assembly into finished goods.   What is important to Trudeau is access to the U.S. market to sell those finished goods. That’s the sum total of Canada’s economic concern.

From the Mexican perspective, AMLO wants additional investment from North American corporations so he can build a Mexican infrastructure system similar to the United States.  AMLO wants an industrial revolution to raise the living standards of the Mexican people, but he recognizes he doesn’t have the education system or social system to create the economy he desires.  So, falling back upon his socialist outlook, he wants the multinationals to pay fees and taxes to his government so that he can build the economic infrastructure he demands.  AMLO is all about getting this “investment,” or what used to be called corporate bribes for access.

As a result of his focus being on investment, AMLO must repeatedly claim the Mexican government is not controlled by the five major Mexican cartels that operate in each region from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico.  It’s a lie, and he knows it’s a lie, and everyone around him knows it’s a lie, but it’s a pretending that must exist in order to make the economic demands.

From the perspective of Biden, the U.S. economy is doing swimmingly, and the American people are filled with abundance and happiness, well able to afford sharing all of the economic benefits of living in the United States with the rest of South and Central America.  It’s not cognitive dissonance, this is what his advisors tell him, so he believes it. A recent example of the cleaning of El Paso prior to his arrival is an example of the people around Joe Biden maintaining a pretense so that Biden can make claims that are disconnected from reality.

As I have said repeatedly, the advancement of modern leftism is contingent upon pretending things.  Denial of truth permits easier trespass. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the professional republican apparatus are also invested in the maintenance of this pretense.   As ideology rules the left wing of the UniParty, corporatism rules the right wing – they both act in unison to maintain forward flight.

♦ Drugs and Human Trafficking – All three leaders speak of the need to stop drugs and human trafficking, yet all three leaders pretend not to know their policies as outlined in their remarks are directly responsible for maintaining the most horrific system of serious abuse, sexual exploitation and human smuggling, children trafficked for labor and sex crimes, along with the customary violence of rape, torture and blackmail by the cartels who control every region in Mexico.

It truly is one of the most disgusting aspects to their intentional dissonance, watching the three leaders talk about their virtuous worldview yet knowing the evil nature of the outcomes that stem from abuses within the system the three leaders’ support.  The vile nature of their pretense is blood-boiling, and God will have no mercy in final judgement.