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My lone NCIS LA wishes for 2023


It's been a harder year then usual to be an NCIS LA fan. Writing's gotten worse, the disregard to Hetty reached levels that I thought could never be reached, there's still only 1 side to all this bogus rewritten stuff about Callen's past, and that's the side that points the accusing finger at Hetty, and this is a 2 sided story! Where's her side of all this?!! And the show's social media accounts now look like they're being run by really bad Tik Tockers.

A new year brings new opportunity, so here's my lone wishes for this crazy show in 2023:

1, Hetty must come home. 2 parter, 3 parter that involves an intense rescue mission? Go ahead! Anyway works with me, just bring her home and show that this team is still her familia!

2, Hetty and Callen must reconcile. Whatever shit he's remembering, or being told about Hetty, what does it matter now? He knows that Hetty has taken care of him his whole life, and would go to the ends of the earth to protect him. He just needs her side of the story, and to remember that she really does love him, even if she doesn't say it all the time.

3, Callen's wedding, Hetty must be there!! He's delaying it so she could be there!

4, If CBS really does end up deciding that this Season is really it either due to low ratings or the budget being too high to afford anymore, then at least in the final episode, have everyone be happily working. No one hating each other, or dying, Hetty being at her desk, just business as usual. As much as I constantly berate this show now, I really don't want to see it end on a terrible note, or with Hetty still being missing.

And 5 (and this one is a long shot): Please let a Hetty centric prequel go into development. There is too much good stuff there to just throw away. Plus, if done right. It could be the much needed boost this franchise needs to keep on going.

And that's it. Thank you for enjoying these type of articles this year. :)