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Retiring is too good for Fauci

This man shouldn’t be permitted to go gently into that good night.

Monday’s BIG NEWS was that the teeny-tiny Tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he is retiring in December.

While most people are happy to see him go, you can count me among those who think retiring is too good for this man.

Retiring with a taxpayer-funded pension for the rest of his life isn’t enough for me. I’d rather Tony Fauci ends up penniless and ruined — just like all the people whose businesses were shut down and bankrupted on the advice of Anthony Fauci.

Fauci retiring just before the Republicans take back control of Congress is like a real estate developer disappearing just before the feds descend and all his investors discover that he scammed them.

This man shouldn’t be permitted to go gently into that good night.

But of course, he is retiring just before Republicans gain control. Fauci fears the coming wave of hearings led by lawmakers less inclined to kiss his ass.

And if those hearings come, I guarantee you, all the people who are now demanding jail time for anyone refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena will be the same ones defending “private citizen” Fauci’s right to refuse to appear before a Republican-led committee.

Fauci retiring at the end of the year is also a strong indication that his Democrat pals in Congress know their time in the majority is coming to an end.

If there was a genuine chance Democrats would keep control of Congress, Fauci wouldn’t be announcing his retirement right now.

On second thought, Fauci ending up penniless and ruined is still too good for this guy.

I think Jesse Kelly has the right idea: the damage from the government’s pandemic response should mean trials and jail for everyone involved.

The people who killed our growing, vibrant economy while destroying lives and businesses, who forced family members to die alone, all over a virus with a 99% survival rate, have done more damage to this country than Bernie Madoff did. And like Madoff, they belong in prison.

Immediately after announcing he was retiring, Fauci appeared on MSNBC where he pretended that he never flip-flopped on anything, instead, the science simply “evolved.”

Yeah, screw you, you lying sack of crap.

In response to that clip, Jesse Kelly had this to say:

Yeah, no. Sorry. You don’t get to ruin (and in many cases END) so many lives acting like you’re the god-king of medicine and then do the “Hey, we had no idea” routine. That ain’t gonna cut it.

Prison. For life.

Teenage girl suicides went up 51% because of the lockdowns Dr. Fauci pushed.

Parents will never hug their baby girl again. They’re gone forever.

Don’t you dare let that scumbag get away with “the science changed”.

Fauci was the guy who wanted the United States to emulate China’s draconian lockdown policies. Screw him.

Retiring is too good for Fauci.

He should be ruined just like all the lives and businesses he ruined while he basked in the media spotlight.

Letting Fauci quietly ride off into the sunset with a $350,000 a year taxpayer-funded pension after all the damage he has done is one of the reasons why I don’t give the hairy ass of a rat about a 3-hour riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.