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WH Response to Why Biden's Schedule Has Been Empty for Two Days Is Pretty Pathetic

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We’ve seen that Joe Biden has to run off to Delaware every weekend to get recharged from his heavy schedule of nap time and calling early lids. Even the NY Times reported on how the White House is having to adjust for Joe Biden’s issues, dealing with his age and incoherence.

But whatever his staff does, it doesn’t prevent the constant gaffes and incoherence every time they let him loose for any event.

Sometimes, the media presses and asks some good questions. They did that on Tuesday, asking why wasn’t there anything on Joe Biden’s public schedule for the past two days. The scramble from first, National Security Council coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby and then, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, to try to cover for Biden was something to behold.

Kirby claimed that just because there weren’t things listed on the public schedule didn’t mean there wasn’t a lot of work going on. Then he passed the buck to explain things to Jean-Pierre. That didn’t go any better.

“What, exactly, has he been doing yesterday and today?” a reporter asked.

“So, he’s been in meetings,” Jean-Pierre claimed, blinking furiously and not looking directly at the reporters. “I was scheduled to meet with him today,” she said, saying he was meeting with senior staff. She also said that they may have seen him briefly with Jill Biden and the First Lady of Ukraine. “He’s been very busy dealing with the issues of the American people and meeting with his staff, senior staff,” she argued.

Notice she didn’t say that she met with him, just that she was “scheduled” to meet with him. Interesting phrasing. Notice she can’t even say “meetings” about what, which might add more believability to her assertion.

For “dealing with the issues of the American people,” he’s not doing much. What exactly is he doing? He talks a lot. He blames people and threatens people. But what has he done that has made any situation any better? As far as I can tell, not one thing. He’s only made things worse, virtually across every issue.

But at this point, given all the lies they’ve told us, how would we even know what was happening because we can’t count on them telling us the truth. They even falsify the official transcripts of his events, and have no shame about doing so. Most of the media isn’t calling them out for it.

Not having anything on the public schedule becomes an even greater concern, as we continue to see his issues worsen. I could believe he’s in meetings. Meetings with the inside of his eyelids, dreaming about “choka choka chip.” What will they do when they can’t even cover any more?

It’s not good when reporters start to ask: what is Joe Biden doing?