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The Gospel According to Kamala

A Christian seeking religious advice from Kamala Harris is 
as insane as seeking culinary tips from Jeffrey Dahmer

According to Kamala Harris, there is nothing in Christian doctrine that prevents the faithful from supporting the murder of the unborn.

Thank heaven!

I mean, here I was listening to my conscience, the Bible, my pastor, and the teachings of the church when I should have consulted the Gospel According to Kamala Harris.

I feel so ashamed.

While speaking at the 113th NAACP National Convention in New Jersey yesterday, Kamala told the audience:

“And, you know, on this subject, it’s important to note that to support a woman’s ability — not her government, but her — to make that decision does not require anyone to abandon their faith or their beliefs. It just requires us to agree the government shouldn’t be making that decision for her.”

I have to admit, I didn’t have “Kamala Gives Religious Instruction to the Faithful” on my Bingo card.

Does this mean if a woman decides to murder her toddler, it wouldn’t require me to abandon my faith to agree that nobody should get in the way of her making that decision?

Would God be okay with that?

Well, according to Kamala, probably.

Kamala routinely forgets that there are two people affected by the “woman’s ability” to “make that decision” and one of those two doesn’t get out of that decision alive.

When I saw a clip of this on Twitter yesterday, I knew without being told that the Reverend Kamala was speaking to a predominantly black audience because her voice took on that faux black preacher cadence she likes to use when talking to black people.

As if she wasn’t raised in an affluent neighborhood in Montreal by her Indian mother.

Ugh, those misplaced pauses, the nodding. It’s just ridiculous.

Democrats do have a problem with their embrace of wholesale, unrestricted abortion. Many black Americans, especially those who are deeply religious, aren’t on board with abortion on demand during all nine months of pregnancy.

Neither are Catholic Hispanics.

In fact, only about 10 to 12 percent of the population supports Kamala’s position.

(I know what you’re doing right now. You’re making jokes in your head about “Kamala’s position.” I won’t stop you.)

But to have Kamala Harris presume to give religious guidance to the faithful in the name of the unfettered killing of the unborn isn’t just incredibly inappropriate; it’s ghoulish and sacrilegious.

What sane Christian would seek spiritual guidance on abortion from Kamala freaking Harris?

That’d be like seeking culinary tips from Jeffrey Dahmer.

You know, I said a while ago that the Biden administration’s decision to make Kamala its point-person on abortion tickled me to no end.

It was always going to be a train wreck just like everything else she’s put her hand to.

(Okay, You’re doing it again with the “she’s put her hand to” part, aren’t you?)

The train wreck was built in because that’s what happens when your point-person is someone who thinks the United States is made up entirely of leftwing activists working at well-funded nonprofits.

Kamala has no idea there’s an entire country outside of the Acela Corridor.

This is why her 2020 presidential campaign sputtered out like a wet fart two months before Iowa. When your view of America comes solely from left-wing think tanks and activist groups, you won’t have a single clue how to connect to regular Americans.

Her job as the point-person on abortion is going to fail just as spectacularly as her presidential campaign.

And her presentation of the Gospel According to Kamala is all the proof you need.