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Jill Biden Gets Heckled by Protester With the Perfect Line About Her Husband and Gas Prices

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

If you look at how unpopular Joe Biden is, you have to know that there’s a lot of anger brewing about how much he’s failed the American people, particularly when it comes to the economy.

He and his team can try to buffalo the American people on a lot of subjects but when it comes to the economy, Americans know that the Bidenflation is hitting them right in the wallet. We can’t buy what we used to under Donald Trump, everything costs more–particularly food–and many people are juggling how they can pay for the daily costs that it takes to live.

Joe Biden is now trying to sell us on this talking point that, somehow, they’ve brought down the gas prices, when the prices have dropped because of lack of demand. The Biden team is crowing about a 50-cent drop at around one-fifth of the gas stations in the country, claiming that’s saving us $25 a month.

But as we’ve pointed out, if they want to make that argument, by their same figures, they are costing us more than $100 more a month because the gas is still more than $2.00 more than it was when Biden came in. Americans are not stupid; they know how much Joe Biden is costing them.

One man made that point very directly to Jill Biden, when she was visiting Connecticut on Wednesday. This was the day before Joe was diagnosed with COVID, and Jill Biden wasn’t wearing a mask. She pulled up to a stop at an ice cream shop with her motorcade and got out of her vehicle. She was with Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont.

There was a small group of people being blocked off on the sidewalk by the Secret Service. Connecticut is a blue state, but even in blue states, people are ticked off at the high prices. A man heckled Jill, “Your husband is the worst President we ever had, you owe us gas money.”

“Thank you for your support,” Biden said. Then someone else yelled what sounds like, “You suck,” as she ducked inside the door.

When you’re getting this reception in such a blue state, things are not going well–not to mention that what the guy said was so on target, especially with the “you owe us gas money.” Hilarious and so true.

Her response is so typical, too — don’t take what he says seriously, just laugh it off. But, it’s just that anger that’s going to come back and bite the Democrats in the fanny in November. Americans already think you don’t care, and now you gave them one more reason to think it. Some can’t afford to buy the gas to take random trips around the country and get ice cream, like Jill can.

Now, I think the Secret Service guy was also laughing, but maybe he’s laughing for the same reason that we are — that someone got a good point in on Jill.

She’s likely to hear a lot more stuff like this, as she casts about trying to rehabilitate Joe’s image. She should remember this moment–because polls show the red wave is coming.