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Dave Chappelle Calls Protesters 'Transgender Lunatics'

Jim Thompson reporting for RedState 

Dave Chappelle is currently too big to cancel. Being a black man is also a plus. He hasn’t prostrated himself at the transgender alter while asking for forgiveness, and vowing to “do better.” He’s continued to do his thing. His thing is comedy.

Last week a Minneapolis venue canceled Chappelle’s show.

The reason was an online petition signed by 128 people. 128 signatures. I could create a petition demanding that aliens be released from Area 51 and I’d bet my house that I’d get more than 128 signatures. It’s entirely possible — if not likely — that half of those who signed were bots but never mind, the venue canceled.

Chappelle has made a 20-year career of making fun of white people, but white people didn’t sign petitions to ban him.

On Wednesday, they plunked down a minimum of $129 to watch him make fun of white people (and just about every other demographic). First, they had to brave a gaggle of sign-holding “transgender lunatics”. Not a big gaggle, but a gaggle.

“Transgender lunatics” is not my term (although I accept it without reservation), Chappelle used that term during his Wednesday show. Why? Because they are. Although they/them complain about being marginalized, they are anything but. They are the most powerful “marginalized” group in the history of mankind. They dictate the narrative for media, business, and government. Google, Yahoo, Twitter Reddit will ban you for misgendering or dead-naming. Social media, particularly Google, controls what you see, and what sources it allows. For instance, doing “research” for this piece all of my search terms and keywords returned a first page of hard-left sites. I had to scroll through multiple pages before I found any center to right-of-center sites commenting on Dave Chappelle’s show. “PinkNews” was on the first page. It’s a hard-left site. Its headline reads:

‘Comedian’ Dave Chappelle brands critics ‘transgender lunatics’ and calls monkeypox a ‘gay disease.’

Comedian is in quotes. For PinkNews, Dave’s not funny.

I don’t know what the context of monkeypox being a “gay” disease was during his set but the reality is, the majority of infections are, weirdly, and by total coincidence found in the alphabet community. Scott Bertani, the Director of advocacy at the National Coalition for LGBT Health was quoted in USA Today. He said:

“While the queer population seems to be associated with this outbreak, we got to remember that the biology of this disease knows no limits with respect to who it can [infect]”.

The entire USA Today article went to great lengths to remind its readers that although monkeypox is explosively and almost exclusively infecting gay men, it can, in theory, infect a celibate Himalayan monk. In theory, a monkeypox-infected man could fall out of the sky right on top of the monk and infect him. It COULD happen. Did Chappelle use that joke? Doubt it, but that’s the type of mocking complainers hate about Chappelle.

If you insist that a “woman” in a women’s prison who impregnated two women was really a dude you’re going to be on social media life support within minutes. A “woman” with a penis and testicles who IDs as a woman is a woman damn it. It doesn’t matter that that woman has a bat and balls – you’d best bend a knee and accept, contrary to biology, that that “woman” impregnated two other women. Soon, you will be reading stories of a man impregnating a man. Never mind, that has already happened.

Chappelle has, for 20 years, made fun of and mocked everyone and everything That’s what comedy is. However, if you reviewed all of Chappelle’s comedy sets, transgenders likely comprise a tiny portion, yet they are the loudest complainers. Why do transgenders get their way? Because business, social media, and government bend the knee apologizing for the slightest slight or “micro-aggression” and insist that they will “do better.” They are scared, apparently, of 128 people signing a petition.

I think the majority of people are like me – if you want to pull on a dress and wig and call yourself a woman that’s your business. Leave me alone. But if you have your junk and yet insist that I must engage in your fantasy and insist that I call you ma’am? That’s a bridge too far. If you insist that you are a Dalmatian and that I must bark a greeting in return, we are at an impasse.

You might think and insist that you’re Napoléon Bonaparte, but don’t expect me to call you Emperor.