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Discrediting the January 6 committee one bad meme at a time

If anyone is making the January 6 committee look like an illegitimate, unserious band of petty, vindictive twats, it’s Adam Kinzinger.

If Congressman Adam Kinzinger really wants the American people to accept the legitimacy of the January 6 committee, maybe he should take a look in the mirror.

Because if anyone is making the January 6 committee look like an illegitimate, unserious band of petty, vindictive twats, it’s committee member Adam Kinzinger.

Remember a month ago when Kinzinger posted a picture of himself holding his baby and tweeted “For you, I won’t give up until truth prevails.”

That self-satisfied, narcissistic tweet aged like rancid milk.

Since Thursday night, Kinzinger has spent his time shit-posting on Twitter, sending snarky, juvenile, badly-created memes mocking Republican Senator Josh Hawley over the video footage of Hawley running to attend the session certifying the 2020 election on January 6.

See, the committee wants you to believe that a terrified Josh Hawley was running away from the frothing-at-the-mouth mob of insurrectionists. But for that to be the case, Hawley would have had to be a psychic since no riot was taking place at the time the video footage was captured.

But that hasn’t stopped January 6 committee member Adam Kinzinger from turning into a 14-year-old girl and posting snotty tweets and badly-made memes mocking Hawley for running to make a session.

Like this one:

Kinzinger is a twat

Ah, okay. So Josh Hawley is Cary Grant. That’s bound to sting.

If you want to make Hawley look bad, you don’t post a meme of him as Cary Grant in “North by Northwest” for crap’s sake.

Does Adam think this makes Hawley look bad?

“For you, I won’t give up until truth prevails.”

Sure, Adam. This is all about truth prevailing.

I mean, not only is he one gigantic twat with the emotional maturity of a pimpled-covered ‘tween, Kinzinger can’t even meme well.

If this sits-while-he-pees dickless wonder wants America to believe the January 6 committee is a legitimate search for the truth, unfettered by partisanship and guided by the facts, perhaps he should stop tweeting like a big girl, get the hell off Twitter, and act like a man.

But he won’t, in large part because even this douche-canoe knows that the January 6 committee is not any of those things, nor did he ever expect it to be.

For Adam Kinzinger, this has never been about a measured and thoughtful investigation. It’s been about expanding his public profile by whoring for retweets from the anti-Trump ResistanceLOL – the only people stupid enough to buy his “For you, I won’t give up until truth prevails” bullshit.

In short, Kinzinger is Michael Avenatti with hair.

He’s the (albeit nominal) Republican version of that farting, shit-posting Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell.

And because Kinzinger is such a narcissistic lightweight, he has no idea that his snotty, estrogen-fueled Twitter obsessions expose him for the massive twat he is.

Then again, what else should we expect from this clown?

He’s the guy who fell for the fake picture of the fictional “Ghost of Kyiv” fighter pilot.

Kinzinger is also another excellent example of how the behavior of Trump haters eventually mirrors the behavior they supposedly hate in Donald Trump.

Trump posted stupid memes on Twitter to bash the people he hated. And Adam Kinzinger, who can’t shut the hell up about how awful Donald Trump’s behavior was, is now trying to do the same thing.

I say “trying” because, in the case of Josh Hawley as Cary Grant, he failed miserably.

But for the anti-Trump media, Kinzinger’s behavior will be rewarded. I fully expect him to land a regular paying gig with either CNN or MSNBC once his term in office ends in January.

And that right there is what is prompting him to act like a big girl’s blouse on social media. For CNN and MSNBC, approval from the Twitter ResistanceLOL is the most important quality any prospective on-air talent can possess.

And if he happens to be an enormous twat with the emotional maturity of Cindy Brady, even better.