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Democrats Insist Nothing ‘Should Be a Partisan Issue’

 Democrats Insist Nothing ‘Should Be a Partisan Issue’

Article by Derek Hunter in Townhall

Democrats Insist Nothing ‘Should Be a Partisan Issue’

Can we all agree that Al Gore is a raging hypocrite? If you're a fan of the Weeble, accused by a few masseuses of loving massages so much he wants each of them to end happily, you might want to stop reading here. For everyone else, I'd just like to remind you that you'll never see him on a Southwest flight to any of his mansions, but you will see him on your TV from time to time telling you how you MUST change how you live your life to accommodate what his friends want. Gore and his fellow travelers always fall back on one rhetorical tactic in an attempt to sound sane: "This shouldn't be a partisan issue." 

It sounds nice enough, doesn't it? It's just this side of "Can't we all just get along?" Only we can't get along, and things are most definitely partisan issues. 

Gore's pet project, and source of his fortune, is climate change. It used to be global warming, but the planet stopped warming at the rate they promised would be society's demise. Of course, it used to be global cooling, but that didn't work out well either. So it's all-encompassing "climate change," or what it was called when I was a kid: seasons. 

Appearing on "Meet the Press" (because the show wasn't quite as irrelevant to the news cycle as it could be), Gore used one of the most offensive and opportunistic analogies ever when he compared climate change "deniers" to the Uvalde, Texas, police. Gore told sycophantic host Chuck Todd, "Climate deniers are really in some ways similar to all of those almost 400 law enforcement officers in Uvalde, Texas, who were waiting outside an unlocked door while the children were being massacred. They heard the screams. They heard the gunshots and nobody has stepped forward."

Realizing how scummy that sounded, Al tossed in a quick, "God bless those families who've suffered so much," after having just picked at their scab. Then he went right back to picking at it. 

"Confronted with this global emergency, what we're doing with our inaction in failing to walk through the door and stop the killing…" Gore continued without missing a beat. 

At the end of his asinine rant, Gore added the ubiquitous, "It shouldn't be a partisan issue." 

When you compare anyone, or everyone, who won't bow to your political desires to a mass murdering school shooter, I think maybe you've made it a partisan issue. 

The left loves that phrase. To hear them tell it, nothing should be a partisan issue. And in their world, nothing would be a partisan issue – because they don't tolerate dissent. Obey or die. 

When you have zero people in your circle who disagree with you, you're shocked how anyone could. Study after study has shown that Democrats lead increasingly isolated lives, particularly on social media. Social media is where, sadly and disturbingly, far too many Americans get their news from. If you don't allow any dissent into your line of sight, the very concept of disagreement becomes foreign to you. 

Famously, though perhaps apocryphally, former New York Times film critic Pauline Kael is credited with having said in 1972 that she didn't know how Richard Nixon won reelection in a landslide because "I don't know anyone who voted for him." 

Whether that happened or not (and it probably didn't, but it's the legend) is irrelevant. In the ensuing 50 years, that is exactly what Democrats have become. 

Liking Liz Cheney on one issue is not "thought diversity" in who you follow on social media. A Don Lemon or Chris Hayes interview with Adam Kinzinger is not exposing yourself to differing opinions. Nor is reading David Brooks or Peggy Noonan. 

When someone says something shouldn't be a partisan issue, sharpen your elbows because that's exactly what it is and why you have to fight. 

The left's idea of compromise is them getting everything they want with an acceptance that anyone else will get nothing in return. It's how children negotiate. Al Gore is just one example, the phrase passes through Joe Biden's vacant head and out his lips regularly too. This November is an opportunity we must take to say to these people that unless they decide to stop trying to damage the United States and circumvent the Constitution, everything is always going to be a partisan issue because it is. 




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