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Diversity Is Our Strength, You Christo-Fascist!

Does anyone who doesn’t live in a gated community or who can’t afford private security guards really believe that diversity is a virtue?

Following the leak of the draft Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on abortion, first-year Yale Law School student Shyamala Ramakrishna referred to members of the Federalist Society as “Christo-fascists.”

The Washington Free Beacon added nonchalantly, “Some of her classmates were less moderate.” You might agree. The Free Beacon quoted another first-year student, Melisa Olgun, as saying: “Neither the constitution nor the courts—nor the f—ing illusion of ‘democracy’—are going to save us. How can we possibly expect a document, drafted by wealthy, white, landowning men, to protect those who face marginalization that is the direct result of the very actions of the founders?”

It is not known from under which rock those Yale law students emerged (or who let them matriculate), but you can be reasonably sure they subscribe to the mantra, endlessly repeated by the most dishonest woman ever to foul the American political scene, “Diversity is our strength.” 

Saying “diversity is our strength” is no longer the way to win friends and influence people in Europe, whose history with that experiment bears examining and remembering. 

A 2015 attack by immigrants in Sweden would, according to the Washington Post, prove to be “one of the most scandalous in recent Swedish history.” A mother and son, both Swedes, “died from their stab wounds. The two suspects, [Abraham] Ukbagabir and a fellow Eritrean named Yohannes Mahari” were arrested for murder. Was anyone surprised?

According to Reuters, “the number of people in Sweden born abroad has doubled in the last two decades to 2 million, or a fifth of the population.” One study reports that Arabic is now the second most popular language in Sweden. 

It is generally agreed that Sweden’s attempt to integrate the vast numbers of immigrants it has taken in over the past two decades has failed miserably, and that that has led to parallel societies and gang violence.

Bloomberg News reported in 2018 that “anti-immigrant parties have long linked Muslim immigration to crime, but verifiable data to support their arguments have been scarce, not least because police services and statistical agencies have been reluctant to track this aspect of criminality so as not to increase tension in societies.” And that was even before the woke Left started riding the range. 

“Research done in the Netherlands, which has a large Moroccan population, has at times shown a connection between the immigrants’ home culture and their propensity to violence,” the Bloomberg report continues.

Hmm. Does that mean different cultures produce people with different ideas about how one should . . . behave in a “civilized” society? Or even what a “civilized society” really is?


How many of those people from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia would you want living near you?

An opinion poll in Germany a few years ago showed that 55 percent of those polled thought that Muslims were a burden on the economy. One has to wonder what the other 45 percent thought—and why. Maybe they’re the people who don’t have to mix with immigrants. In a moment of candor in 2010, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said German multiculturalism had “utterly failed.” Has much improved in the 12 years since? 

Can a society have an infinite variety of “peoples” in it? Can America survive if it becomes a diverse society? Is there something special about America? About American democracy? Immigrants like the Syrians in Sweden may never (or certainly not soon) become a fifth of the U.S. population, but they could easily become a fifth, or enough, of your town, to produce, for your town, the problems that are plaguing Europe. 

John Jay wrote in Federalist 2 of “one united people—a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government.” 

Does anyone who doesn’t live in a gated community or who can’t afford private security guards really believe that diversity is our strength? 

Probably not—and not because they don’t believe in allowing some “strangers” into our midst, but because they want to keep America . . . America, and that means letting in only those people who understand and accept our traditions. 

Why, after all, do people come to America, governed by (or if not really governed by at least inspired by) “a document, drafted by wealthy, white, landowning men, to protect those who face marginalization that is the direct result of the very actions of the founders”? 

Perhaps because whatever its imperfections may seem to be, America’s system of government beats all the other systems on offer. America’s system is, still—but for how long?—a beacon of Western Civilization, which is at its heart a Christian civilization. 

Diversity is not our strength, as people who call us “Christo-fascists” make abundantly clear.