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The Blue Check Hysterics are Melting Down

I haven’t seen this level of over-the-top histrionics from the Blue Check hysterics on Twitter since the wee hours of November 9, 2016.

The Blue Check hysterics hadn’t even stopped screeching over Elon Musk buying Twitter and already they have something new to screech about.

Honestly, I haven’t seen this level of over-the-top histrionics from the Blue Check hysterics on Twitter since the wee hours of November 9, 2016.

Some activist working as a Supreme Court clerk leaked the draft of Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion on the Mississippi abortion law case last night and instantly the Blue Check hysterics screeching about Musk just days ago started screeching that abortion is about to be “overturned.”

Guys, if you’re going to start melting down about the contents of a draft opinion, perhaps you should at least be accurate about it.

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Mississippi, it won’t “overturn abortion,” you ass cracks.

What it would do is leave abortion law in the hands of each individual state.

Some states already made abortion legal up to birth, including my garbage state of New York.

Here in New York, a doctor or midwife can be in the middle of telling the mother “Deep breath, and PUSH!” and Mom can say, “You know what? On second thought, kill it,” and it would be totally legal.

If the SCOTUS decision nullifies Roe v. Wade, it would remain totally legal in the state of New York to kill your child at any stage of pregnancy for any reason you want.

That may come as a shock to anyone who only gets their news from CNN or MSNBC, or heaven forbid the screeching Blue Check hysterics on Twitter. But there you go. Overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn’t make abortion illegal in the United States.

Governor Gavin Newsom huffily tweeted that the California legislature would amend its Constitution to make abortion legal through all three trimesters.

Does Newsom not realize he’s proving Alito’s point? An issue as politically fraught and divisive as abortion shouldn’t be decided by 9 unelected judges, but by the representatives most closely linked to the people – namely, the state legislatures.

If California lawmakers want to codify abortion in the state constitution, then they’re doing precisely what Alito said should happen.

But see, the Blue Check hysterics don’t want each state to decide. They want a one-size-fits-all federal dictate allowing unfettered abortion.

They need all control centralized.

It’s the same reason they want the United States Congress to determine the voting laws for all fifty states. It’s why they want gun laws, school curricula, health insurance requirements, and pretty much everything else decided in Washington DC.

Federalism terrifies these drama queens because it takes power out of the hands of a centralized federal government and places it where it belongs, in the hands of the people.

That is precisely why they are lying about what overturning Roe would do.

They know their rhetoric is false. They know it won’t “overturn abortion.” But they lie about it because they believe that the lie will help them maintain political power. They think there are enough slack-jawed morons out there who will believe the “overturning abortion” lie and vote Democrat in the midterms.

Of course, most of those slack-jawed morons were already planning to vote Democrat in the midterms, so I’m not entirely sure screeching inanities about the Court “overturning abortion” is going to have the effect the Blue Check hysterics desire.

And if the purpose of this strategic illegal leak is to help Democrats in November, then the leaker leaked too soon. It’s only May and they’re already working themselves into such a screaming lather, by the time November rolls around, most voters will have tuned out the screeching if for no other reason than to preserve their sanity.

There’s only so much screaming histrionics a body can take.

The other problem is, the bulk of the hysterics is coming from Twitter and the cable news networks nobody watches. Out here in the real world, life goes on. And right now, life in the real world is crippling inflation, rising consumer prices, stagnating wages, and the very real possibility of a recession making everything worse.

Compared to those real-world problems, the prospect of some states being free to limit abortion to the first trimester (which is broadly supported in polling) isn’t going to rate very high on the list of voter concerns.