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Elon Musk Announces Publicly He Can No Longer Support Democrats, Will Vote Republican

Elon Musk has publicly announced today he can no longer vote for Democrat candidates and will instead vote for Republican candidates. [Tweet Link Here] This is a rather bold move for a man who is now putting himself in the forefront of the modern Democrat hate furnace.

He appears very aware of the level of opposition he will now face as a result of calling the Democrat party the “party of division and hate,” despite the bold truth expressed.   In an earlier tweet he stated, “political attacks on me will escalate dramatically in coming months;” and when Musk says “on me” he likely understands that means on all he represents, including his businesses.

Elon Musk looks more and more like John Galt every day.

Despite all the challenges, and perhaps because the righteous battle is always fought on the right side of history, we are alive in very remarkable times.  This decision by Mr. Musk will embolden many more to join us…..  Happy warriors.