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Bringing in Obama was a serious miscalculation

This White House can’t do anything right.

Team Biden thought they came up with a genius idea to try and boost Joe Biden’s cratering approval numbers by bringing Barack Obama back to the White House, and boy, was it a serious miscalculation.

This was an even bigger miscalculation than the time the Hillary campaign had their candidate share a stage with Beyonce and Jay Z. And, honey. That was a really bad miscalculation.

If your guy is deeply unpopular, the last thing you want to do is put a wildly popular person beside him. Especially if that wildly popular person is a self-centered narcissistic attention hog like Barack Obama.

Obama’s presence didn’t help make Joe more popular. Instead, it only further diminished the already-diminished old man.

Honestly, how could they not noodle that out in advance?

I don’t know. When I first read that the White House was bringing Obama off the bench, the first thought that popped into my head was, “Man, what a stupid idea!”

Watch these two videos:

See what I mean? A serious miscalculation on the part of the White House.

Even Helen Keller could’ve seen this coming.

If the dopes in the White House were hoping Barack would give Joe his fair share of all that attention, then they’re stupider than we thought.

Barack Obama is far too selfish to use his popularity to give Joe a boost.

Obama’s like a black hole, a vacuum. He takes all that adoration and “fan-girling” and sucks it into himself like an Electrolux.

I mean, for heaven’s sake, Biden even grabs Barack by the shoulder and that narcissistic prick still ignores him.

Maybe it’s because I’m so emotionally drained from the persistent Lupus flare that’s been kicking my ass, but watching those videos made me feel genuine pity for the dumb old bastard.

When you consider that virtually every person working in the Biden White House once worked for Obama, it makes no sense to me that they couldn’t figure out in advance that bringing Barack back was a serious miscalculation that would blow up in their faces like a trick cigar.

Placing Barack Obama in the same room as Joe Biden and expecting Joe to shine even brighter takes a special kind of stupid.

Because no matter the room, Barack Obama will eclipse Joe Biden completely. And in a room full of discouraged Democrats facing a Midterm disaster, that is doubly true.

Watch those videos again. The Democrats in attendance are so bereft of inspiration that they latch onto Barack like attention-starved orphans.

For two years, their party has been led by a senile, decrepit halfwit with the charisma of soggy toilet paper. And here comes Barack – the light-bringer, the lodestar, the Savior with the matinee-idol smile.

What chance did old Joe Biden have next to that?

Tucker Carlson did a spot-on assessment of the White House’s serious miscalculation on his show last night.

Give it a watch: