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Trudeau Decides He’s Not Done Cosplaying as a Dictator

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

In a move that anyone with a brain predicted, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that he’s not ready to give up the “emergency powers” he invoked and used to clear out the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa.

During a press conference, Trudeau claimed that even though the “blockades” have been lifted, the “state of emergency is not over.” Apparently, he wants a little more time to continue cosplaying as a certain Cuban dictator who is definitely not his real father.

Trudeau’s remarks were filled with gaslighting, including accusing the Freedom Convoy of attacking journalists even though it was Canadian law enforcement shown on video doing so. He further appealed to various platitudes about respecting the right to protest while asserting that people should pursue the “best vision” for Canada, freedom-loving truckers need not apply. At another point, he called for national healing despite the fact that he did everything he could divide people over the last month, including violating civil liberties.

Trudeau then ran a play right of the American left’s playbook by accusing those who don’t want to give him unlimited power of undermining Canada’s system of governance.

The irony in his statement, of course, is that people don’t trust the government, and why should they? Trudeau and his cohorts have just spent the last week stomping on the right to protest with brown shirt tactics, arresting people and freezing bank accounts without due process. Outside of his sycophants, no Canadian is now looking to him to heal their nation and to be responsible with power. Rather, Trudeau has shown he was serious when he once praised the Chinese communist system as superior and more effective than liberal democracy.

In the same press conference, Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, a true villain in all this, took the mic to address the freezing of bank accounts. In doing so, she contradicted herself.

Freeland, who is also a high-ranking official with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, has expressed a desire to see the emergency powers become permanent. That includes the government’s ability to meddle in online crowd-funding campaigns and cryptocurrency exchanges.

Globalists are going to globalist, I suppose, though that makes it no less disturbing. What’s most disheartening about this is that Trudeau, Freeland, and the rest are likely to win out on this issue. Because of Canada’s parliamentary system, even though the Conservatives won more votes during the last election, they hold only 119 seats to the 160 held by the Liberals. You can expect Trudeau’s party to fall in line along with the far-left New Democratic Party to give the PM the majority he needs.

The Conservatives have seen a jump in popularity in response to Trudeau’s actions. Unfortunately, the next election isn’t until 2025, and short of a vote of no confidence for Trudeau (something that would have to come via his own party throwing in), the wannabee tyrant will remain in place.