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10 Great Alternatives To Supporting Woke Companies

Watch out! Every company you love has become WOKE! If you want to avoid supporting progressive businesses then you'll need to be prepared. Consider these fantastic alternatives to some of the more notable liberal corporations.

Instead of Twitter

...use TRUTH Social for 3 weeks before Trump cans it. Then go back to Twitter.

Instead of brewing your coffee with Starbucks beans:

...use Goya beans!

Instead of Levis

...buy pants made for grown-ups.

Instead of Gilette razors

...grow a beard like a man. 

Instead of Microsoft

...mine your own silicon, build a computer from scratch and program an OS in painstaking binary.

Instead of subscribing to Disney+

...just let your children scream and scream and scream.

Instead of buying books from Amazon

...buy a Gutenberg press and print leaflets. Bind them together with leather from the cattle you slaughter. Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Instead of buying Nike shoes

...go to China and get your own slave to make some shoes. Everyone's doing it!

Instead of watching Netflix

...use your parents’ account to watch Netflix.

Instead of Facebook

...go to your high school reunion and listen as people you don't remember pitch pyramid schemes. It's an almost identical experience!