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Freedom Convoy Gives Gov't Resounding Answer to Order to Leave Ambassador Bridge or Face Arrest

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

According to CBC Windsor News at 6’s Katerina Georgieva, the court has granted an Injunction against the Freedom Convoy protest/blockade at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ontario. It was granted around 5:00 p.m. to take effect at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, which the court said would give the protesters a couple of hours to have the time to leave the area.

The Windsor Police just warned the protesters, “We are providing notice that anyone blocking streets or assisting others in the blocking of streets may be committing a criminal offence and must immediately cease further unlawful activity or you may face charges. You could be arrested if you are a party to the offence or assisting others in the direct or indirect commission of this offence.” On top of that, the police said “charges/convictions could lead to denial in crossing the US border.” They also threatened to seize the vehicles.

The injunction is supposed to last 10 days, according to Georgieva.

There’s also word that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer offered Windsor heavy equipment to help move the trucks. “The State of Michigan and the governors’ office directly have offered to send over heavy equipment to help remove vehicles, to provide security, they’ve offered to do whatever is required to help end this blockade as well,” Windsor Mayor Dilkens said in the press conference. Canadian tow truck companies have so far refused approaches from the various local governments affected to remove the trucks. Whitmer has been complaining about the blockade and the effect on the United States.

Police who were, by and large, very nice were handing out these notices, which reflect the threats of action from Ontario Premier Doug Ford, threatening severe consequences such as being locked up for a year, $100,000 fines, and getting their licenses pulled.

It’s a scare tactic to get them to leave. And if they would implement those actions through orders, they’re going to get legally challenged.

So, did the protesters leave? On the contrary, not only didn’t they leave, but there appear to be even more people gathered there than there were before. A ton of people showed up to support the normal people there. They far outnumber the police.

The people took a vote to stay, even in the face of the threat.

They also sang “O Canada.”

This lady summarized the attitude of the folks there. They feel the government is being hypocritical, suddenly being concerned about business, when they shut everything down for two years. Now, they’re upset? “I don’t buy it,” she says.

I would expect it will happen probably in the early morning, when they think they’re might be fewer people there.