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When the going gets rough…

First ice cream, now cats. 
These guys are so bad at creating distractions.

When the going gets rough for old Joe, Team Biden always deploys a cute-cutsie distraction. Every. Single. Time.

After Biden’s weekend of fanning the flames over “imminent” war resulted in Ukraine officials trying to put out the fire, what does he do?

He heads out to the ice cream parlor for a cutsie photo op.

When the going gets rough, “Operation Ice Cream” is a go-to distraction for these prats.

Then on Thursday, Joe had a disastrous phone call with Ukraine President Zelenskyy.  CNN reported that Joe told Ukraine’s president that war was imminent and Kyiv would be “sacked.” The White House demanded a retraction, claiming the phone call with Ukraine’s president was perfect and Biden didn’t say those things.

But the damage was done.

Social media promptly began circulating Joe’s tweets from 2019 when he repeatedly demanded President Trump release the transcript of his call with President Zelenskyy. Congressional Republicans picked up the mantra, demanding that the White House #ReleasetheTranscript.

So what’s the White House’s big news for today?

When the going gets rough, here comes “Operation Feline Distraction.”

Now, all politicians use distractions when the going gets rough. The problem with Team Biden is they’re so ham-handed about it.

Or should I say “ham-pawed?”

But, like clockwork, every single media outlet, including friggin’ Reuters is picking up the story of “Willow the White House Cat.”

When the going gets rough…

It’s almost as if they aren’t even trying to pretend they’re distracting us from what a shitty president Joe Biden is.

That’s the part that’s so insulting about this.

Do they have to be so obvious?

Do they think the American people all ride the short bus to school?

Come on, guys. The least you could do is put a little effort into this and stop going for the cutsie distractions.

When the going gets rough, why not bomb an aspirin factory? Or is that too 1990s?

On the plus side, Team Biden is so crude and oafish with their cute-cutsie distractions, most people can see right through them.

Hat tip to my pal MJA over at iOTWReport.com for giving me a heads up about Operation Feline Distraction.

You know, my cat who passed away in December 2020 was named Willow. Which only goes to prove that Biden will plagiarize pretty much everything.