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First Wave of Canadian Freedom Convoy Arrives in Ottawa

Jumpin’ Ju-Ju Bones, we shall have to dust off the happy dance shoes.  The wrong thinking “fringe minority” have raised over $7.5 million [LINK] in support of their trucker Freedom Convoy.   The Canadian freedom movement is representing very well.

As the first wave of the convoy rolls into Ottawa, we start the update with the patriotic voice of fellow Canadian and friend of the Treehouse, Mark Steyn.

Thousands of Canadians have braved brutally cold weather to stand on the side of the roads and highways for hours while cheering on the convoy and providing food, drinks and supplies for the massive logistical effort.  It really is incredible to see the contagious cheers, flags, happiness and unifying smiles erupting after years of government doom, gloom and proclamations of the pending “winter of death.”

With horns a’ blaring, the leading edge of the massive truck and support convoy has started to arrive in Ottawa.   The capital city is not known as a residential metropolitan area, but the residents who do live there appear to be happy to see the Freedom Convoy arrive.   What a sight.

The truck convoys started from British Columbia in the west, Newfoundland in the east, and Windsor, Ontario in the south.  However, cars, SUVs, vans, and small commercial trucks are now included in the massive convoy lines and joined with the big rigs.  On every highway along the way crowds are cheering and waving support for the Truckers.

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