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Devin Nunes Isn’t Done Saving Our Republic

It became clear to the California Republican that his choice was to either try and tackle Big Tech through the legislative process or to do it through direct competition in the marketplace.

In a stunning move that has stupefied and unsettled the swamp and its Big Tech and corporate media cohorts, U.S. Representative Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) is retiring from Congress to become chief executive officer of Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG). Nunes will commence his new role effective January 1. 

Despite his personally momentous decision, as the current ranking member (and former chairman) of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Nunes knows he will be doing anything but retiring. While his duties have changed, his core mission remains: protecting and promoting Americans’ liberty in our free republic.

A recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work in exposing the corruption and weaponization of the federal government to pimp the Russiagate lie, Nunes stated this in no uncertain terms: “The time has come to reopen the Internet and allow for the free flow of ideas and expression without censorship. The United States of America made the dream of the Internet a reality and it will be an American company that restores the dream.”

For his part, former President Trump, who praised Nunes as “a fighter and a leader,” reaffirmed the new company’s mission: “Devin understands that we must stop the liberal media and Big Tech from destroying the freedoms that make America great. America is ready for TRUTH Social and the end to censorship and political discrimination.”

While his enemies initially were delighted and, upon reflection, ominously unsettled by the California Republican’s decision, many of his friends, supporters, and admirers were stunned and saddened by Nunes’ decision to leave the House—especially as he was expected to become the next chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee in the event the GOP captured the majority in the coming 2022 midterm elections. After everything Nunes had accomplished in office, there was justifiable concern about his loss to the GOP caucus and the country. 

As House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), a close friend and ally of Nunes, noted: “Devin’s departure leaves a gaping hole in this institution, but his dedication to our country will persist . . . There is no better person prepared to compete head-to-head and lead an alternative to the big tech and big media cartel that has carried water for the Democrat Party for years than Devin.”

Still, as has happened in the case of McCarthy, when the shock subsides Nunes’ supporters will come to see this move as the logical extension of his commitment to our free republic; and be glad he accepted this new challenge to champion our liberty.

In retrospect, it is not quite as surprising as it seems. Nunes has long fought against Big Tech and the corporate media’s disinformation and censorship. It was a battle that even pre-dated his work in revealing the truth about the Russiagate scam in the face of a deceitful media determined to propagate the lie to abet their governmental cronies in subverting the duly elected President Trump.

While Nunes has long warned about the deliberate, leftist disinformation spewed by the corporate media, early on he sounded the alarm about the concentrated, increasingly unaccountable power of Big Tech to stifle and silence information and dissent—done in an abjectly censorious vitiation of every free speech reason it once proffered for special treatment under federal law. An early, ardent proponent of Parler as an alternative to the increasingly censorious Twitter, Nunes was outraged by Big Tech’s monopolistic decimation of that site. 

Consequently, it likely became clear to Nunes that his choice was to either try and tackle Big Tech and the corporate media through the legislative process or to do it through direct competition in the marketplace.

As a supporter and practitioner of free markets and entrepreneurship, the dairy farmer Nunes chose the latter, leaving life as a servant in the public sector to ascend back to the status of a citizen in the private sector—one ready, willing, and able to defend and advance Americans’ liberty in the face of the increasingly fascistic “woke” cabal infesting and corrupting the swamp, Big Tech, the Pravda media, and the corporate world.

Nunes’ decision makes eminent sense. For as the communications revolution continues apace, it is increasingly evident to all how the power that once projected from Congress now projects onto Congress; and how, like a laser through butter, it cuts that institution to accord with its will. Big Tech and the corporate media know and leverage this power better than anyone. Compounding the dilemma, even with a Republican majority in 2023, legislative remedies to rein in Big Tech will not soon be forthcoming, due to a Democratic president’s veto pen. 

And time is of the essence.

Absent a viable alternative to the leftist social media stranglehold and other organs of communication, our once free republic will continue to see citizens subjected to an emerging social credit system bent upon turning them into serfs in the service of an elitist, kleptocratic oligarchy—and that is the best-case scenario.

So, good luck and godspeed, Devin Nunes, as you guide TMTG to success and continue your work to save our free republic.