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WATCH: Little Girl Is Having None of Joe Biden's Creepiness

Bonchie reporting for RedState

One of the more peculiar aspects, to put it lightly, of Joe Biden’s political history is the abject creepiness with which he operates around children, including during his public appearances. The sniffing, the touching, and the inappropriate comments have led to a lot of concern over the years, though, because Biden is a Democrat, his actions have largely been dismissed as innocent.

And maybe they are? I can’t say for sure what’s going through Biden’s head when he does the things he does. Still, you’d think some lessons would be learned eventually after multiple children have expressed nervousness and displeasure with his encroachments.

Well, perhaps this will finally do it?

If you watch the video, you’ll see that this little girl is having none of what Joe Biden attempting to do. When he tries to walk up and touch her initially, she recoils and turns away. After the president doubles down, attempting to touch her face, simultaneously moving his nose close to her hair, the girl then throws her fist up, forcing him to back off.

Now, as someone with children who were recently as young as the girl in the video, I believe I have the authority to provide some basic advice for Biden: Stop invading the personal space of kids. This is not 1975. You can’t just walk up to a random child and sniff their hair or touch their face. You should not be asking kids who aren’t your grandchildren to sit on your lap. It is not appropriate to nuzzle children who aren’t your own or to comment on the legs of a nine-year-old.

Children may be children, but they still have boundaries that should be respected. Would it be acceptable for Biden to randomly touch and sniff a 20-year-old woman in a crowd? Of course not, and it’s not suddenly OK because the situation involves a child. You would think the President of the United States, of all people, would understand that. That’s especially true given his history. Yet, he just can’t help himself, and there’s something really creepy about that.