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Vice President Vapid Strikes Again

Kamala serves Paris a big bowl of word salad.

During her embarrassing debate with Mike Pence last year, I said Kamala’s answers on foreign policy were so vapid, she sounded like a beauty contestant.

And I see that hasn’t changed.

Thursday Kamala served up a heaping bowl of word salad during a meandering speech at the Paris Peace Forum.

Watch this clip. I’ve heard more reasoned statements from toddlers.

Yeah. I know.

But to really appreciate the complete lack of substance in that statement, you need to read it out loud to yourself:

“We must together work together. To see where we are, where we are headed, where we are going in our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment, yes, to together address the challenges and to work on the opportunities.”

Um. What now?

What does that even mean?

Holy moly. This is why I call her Vapid Kamala.

I don’t know what disturbs me more about this woman – the off-putting, inappropriate laughter, or her inability to concisely and coherently deliver a speech that consists of something more than meaningless word salad.

She talks, sometimes a lot. But there is absolutely no substance to what she says. She really does sound like a beauty contestant.

“Well, Burt. I think we must together work together for World Peace. That together we can in this moment, yes, together face the challenges of the moment to find peace in the world.”

The above video cuts Kamala off before she was done. And that’s too bad because the entire quote is funnier.

So let me transcribe the quote in its entirety:

“We must together work together. To see where we are, where we are headed, where we are going in our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment, yes, to together address the challenges and to work on the opportunities that are presented by this moment. So that was in many ways the theme of this visit.”

Did you detect a “theme” in that gobbledygook? Because I certainly didn’t.

“Say, Kamala. What’s the theme of your visit to France?”

“Well, the theme was we must together work together to see where we are. Where we are headed. Where we are going in our vision for where we should be. But also the theme is to see it as a moment, yes, to together address the challenges and to work on the opportunities that are presented by this moment.”

I find it especially hilarious that her most ardent defenders constantly bang on about what a brilliant woman Kamala Harris is.

If that is an example of Kamala’s brilliance, then I’d hate to hear one of her dumber statements.

Two years ago when she was running for President, I did a column titled “Word Salad Kamala” that featured a pull-quote from one of her campaingn speeches that was just as vapid and incomprehensible as that video.

Here’s a portion:

“We need to have a strategy that is a winning strategy, about saying that we have got to recognize the challenges before us as a nation and the world are big challenges about who we are, our definition, our standing, and our strength as a nation. And to meet those challenges it will not be about going back to the good old days, it will be about looking forward and taking on the challenges that meet us today and — the winning strategy is that the right thing to do is say that we will address the big challenges of our nation, the issues that wake people up in the middle of the night.”

I said at the time that her speeches sound like a sixth-grader giving an oral report on a book he didn’t read.

Good grief, could you imagine Kamala Harris giving a State of the Union Address? The audience’s IQ would drop twenty points just from listening to this vapid drivel. The collective IQ in Congress is already low enough as it is, we don’t need Kamala chiseling more off the score.

If this meandering, incomprehensible speech is any indication, I’m beginning to suspect that, between the two of them, Joe Biden is the smarter one.

And that is all kinds of terrifying.