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Regime Change America: Use Your ‘Outside Voice’

Glenn Youngkin was never a white knight . . . until the people of Virginia trained him and built him into one. This is the power of a grassroots political movement.

Americans are being victimized daily by an administration that flaunts the rule of law with unconstitutional vaccine mandates, shreds the constitutional rights of its citizens by declaring them terrorists for defending their children, and delivers one incompetent failure after another—from humiliation in Afghanistan to policy-driven supply chain breakdowns and rising inflation. What America needs right now is a strong opposition party to put the Biden Administration in check. Unfortunately, we don’t have one. 

This past week, we watched as 13 Republican House members provided the key votes to pass the Biden Administration’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill—a bill laden with progressive pork programs for the wealthy donor class. The Democrats couldn’t garner enough votes in their own party to pass the bill, even though they hold the majority (albeit a slim one) in the House of Representatives. Republicans, instead of taking advantage of this potential victory to force some level of sanity into the administration’s domestic policies, chose to deliver the necessary votes. Yep, this is your GOP—the junior varsity of the ruling class uniparty. 

On the MAGA front, we discovered that the worst of the Trump Administration—Brooke Rollins, Larry Kudlow, and Javanka—have managed to take full control of Trump’s America First Policy Institute. If you were happy with having every good part of Trump’s original agenda undermined from within his own White House, now you can watch it happen all over again. Just cut that check, and keep ’em coming . . . these people need to remodel their vacation homes.

Make Your Own White Knight

If you’re waiting for the GOP to rescue you from an authoritarian regime bent on restructuring the republic into a globalist oligarchy, good luck with that. You can’t expect to take your country back by sitting on your couch, sending money to wealthy politicians, and mailing in your ballot during what is now Election Week. 

Last week, I wrote about how to start organizing a grassroots political movement. Getting your voice heard is one of the most important things you can do as a citizen—especially as a traditional American. Look at the recent statewide election in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe, a long-time Clinton fixer and political insider, had a four-point lead on challenger Glenn Youngkin in June 2021. In July, McAuliffe out-fundraised Youngkin by $4 million. In August, McAuliffe had a solid nine-point lead on Youngkin. By November, that lead had disappeared, and on election night, Youngkin pulled out an upset two-point victory. What happened? The people happened. 

Throughout 2021, Virginia residents were battling rogue school boards and public education systems hell-bent on indoctrinating their children into extreme Marxist, racist, and sexual identity ideologies. When parents finally realized that no amount of principled Republican-style debate would correct this problem, they organized and rose up against a corrupt system. They used their “outside voices” to demand how they wanted their children educated in their public school system. 

Youngkin, a wealthy, retired CEO of the Carlyle Group, who up until this point had not been a serious contender in the governor’s race, heard these outside voices. He could see and feel what the people of Virginia wanted, and he set aside the consensus advice of his political consultants and went where the people wanted him to go. Youngkin was never a white knight . . . until the people of Virginia trained him and built him into one. This is the power of a grassroots political movement! 

Heading Out To the Community

Once you’ve built the structure of your political movement, use it to engage and influence decision-makers. Initially, these people will be your state and local politicians, followed by your national-level congressional representatives. Focus on the local first to gain momentum in friendly or familiar territory—then move outward to connect with other local movements in your state.

Not every mayor, sheriff, or county supervisor will make themselves available to your new movement right away. You need to make your ideas and organization politically attractive. In other words, the movement must have something your politicians need—something you can provide or withhold depending on how the relationship with that politician addresses your agenda. When your movement captures the voice of the people—their voters—you hold the key to the currency for managing that relationship. 

To help gain this currency, in the early stages of a grassroots political movement you need to get out there and hear all the voices and needs of your fellow citizens. Don’t get distracted by social media—it is a communications medium manipulated, cultivated, and controlled by your political adversaries. Remember, the outrage of people not from your local area is not your problem. 

Get into your community by going where the people are. Local grocery stores are great places for this. Everyone goes food shopping, so set up a table branded with your movement’s logo and talk with people. Be friendly, ask questions, and inquire about their personal situations. Make them feel that your movement is concerned with their well-being, not like you’re trying to sell them a used car. Don’t ask for donations at this point, instead work for fellowship and to get people nodding in agreement. If people want to give to your cause, provide them with the opportunity, but don’t “WinRed” your movement into the ground before it gets started. You can use this same model outside the local hardware store, public libraries, the courthouse, etc. 

Another way to engage with the community is through “shadow services.” No government can provide all the services and support networks that people need. There will always be gaps, and the size of these gaps can be especially large in rural areas where there is little centralized assistance. Your movement can set up volunteer services to fill these gaps. Transportation, yardwork, meals for the elderly, childcare collectives, homeschool pod instruction, and tutoring are just a few. 

When you provide these shadow services, you’re also canvassing areas of your local community to visually see and understand people’s needs; to hear what they think are the most important issues in their lives . . . and you’re doing something extremely noble and good for the very people you’re wanting to represent. That’s a win-win. Just interacting with people and providing them something they need can give you an unexpected window into your community, and thus, a better idea of what your agenda should reflect.

Vetting New Members 

As you start making your movement known, you’ll be recruiting new members and advocates for the cause. Most people you meet will be good Americans, interested in improving their community and country. That said, you will likely be approached by individuals with hidden agendas. Some of these people will want to leverage your access to politicians and community leaders for their own financial benefit. Some will be federal government informants attempting to spot and assess potential targets for domestic violent extremism programs. Both of these types of individuals will present themselves as flag-waving patriots. You, and the members of your political movement, should endeavor to steer well clear of them. In fact, it is a good idea to hold regular training on dealing with these types of people in order to protect the integrity of your movement. 

When you are vetting new members, carefully examine a person’s background, motivations, and personality—once you bring them into the movement they will be representing it in everything they do. Do not accept anonymous members. Ask potential new members where they live in your local area and how long they have been there. New arrivals, those with addresses outside the local area, or in temporary lodging in your local area should be scrutinized closely. 

You can use the acronym C.R.I.M.E. as a vetting tool. C.R.I.M.E. stands for Compromise, Revenge, Ideology, Money, Ego. Informants, provocateurs, and those with nefarious intentions normally have one or several of these vulnerabilities. 

Compromise equates to an exploitable vulnerability. An example is someone who may have been arrested for a minor offense and given the opportunity to “work off” their mistake by acting as an informant or provocateur. Individuals with animosity toward traditional America fall into the Revenge and Ideology spectrum—enterprising Antifa members, for example. They will voluntarily infiltrate organizations like yours and attempt to find derogatory material or purposely damage its reputation. Money is the motivation of grifters, embezzlers and paid informants. Some people need to be in the limelight. Their ego drives them to always be in front of the camera or the crowd. These people are the most unreliable and least productive personality types.

Always steer clear of those who talk about violence or revolution. There may indeed be periods of civil unrest in America’s future, but that is not the purview or purpose of your grassroots movement. As we saw with the FBI’s contrived Whitmer kidnapping plot, the American militia movement is so heavily infiltrated by government informants that membership in an organized militia should immediately be cause for suspicion.

Lastly, do not authenticate people by association. Authenticating someone by their claimed association with familiar groups, organizations, or people is an old-school conman and informant technique to gain access to a target. Authenticate only by observed facts and the actions of the individual.

Our Time

Nearly 250 years ago, America’s founders committed their all to a conceptual form of government built by the people and in service to the people. They fought bravely to gain our independence, worked tirelessly to refine the Constitution and implemented our Bill of Rights. Over the years, many Americans have similarly fought for the cause of liberty and justice; in the Civil War and two World Wars that threatened the existence of our nation.

We have been riding on those sacrifices for years, enjoying the freedom purchased by our forefathers. Now, once more, liberty and justice for all are again threatened. We will not be able to ride this threat out on the backs of the effort made by those who have gone before us. 

Now is the time for all good Americans to organize and take back their country from those who would sell our liberty for their social, political, and financial benefit. Will we be up to the task? We know what we need to do, now let’s get to it.

About Max Morton

Max Morton is a retired U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, former CIA paramilitary operations officer, and a veteran of multiple armed conflicts, revolutions, and contingency operations.