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Media Vapors Over “Let’s Go Brandon”

Media Vapors Over “Let’s Go Brandon”

During the 2020 presidential campaign, one of Biden’s political superpowers was his sheer inoffensiveness, the way he often managed to embody — even to those who didn’t like him — the innocuous grandfather, the bumbling uncle, the leader who could make America calm, steady, even boring again after four years of Donald Trump.

But it’s clear that after nine months in office, Biden — or at least what he represents — is increasingly becoming an object of hatred to many Trump supporters.

Kessler seems to forgotten the antecedents to this:

Kessler thinks this began with Trump:

Yet the anger also demonstrates how a political party or cause often needs an enemy, a target of vilification that can unite its adherents — and, in this case, one refracted through the harshness, norm-breaking and vulgarity of the Trump era.

“Norm breaking and vulgarity of the Trump era,” eh? I wonder if anyone at the Post or anywhere else ever took note or called out the vulgarity of things like this, which occurred quite a long time before Trump took his famous escalator ride:

In the meantime, I’ll be happy to say “Let’s go Brandon!” at every opportunity.