The notorious DeceptiCon, deep state operative and war-mongering interventionist known by the name Adam Kinzinger has announced he will not seek reelection from the state of Illinois.

Not exactly a difficult decision for the smug and condescending putz, because Illinois lost a congressional district due to population shrinking in the census, and Kinzinger’s Republican District (CD-19) was being carved up.  That said, President Trump responds:

The ten House DeceptiCons who voted to impeach President Trump are also the ten members who supported the creation of the January 6th commission.  Kinzinger and Gonzalez have now announced their exit due to exposure as part of the House Decepticon Caucus.

As we previously tried to warn readers: Do not be naive in thinking the GOP want the FBI involvement in the January 6 events to be exposed any more than the Republican wing of the UniParty wanted to see the IRS targeting of conservative groups exposed.  The vast majority of DC Republicans want to see the MAGA base destroyed just like they wanted to see the Tea Party base destroyed so they could get back to the business of self-indulgence in 2012.

Here are the Ten DeceptiCon House members who voted to impeach President Trump over a totally bogus accusation.  These ten House Republican members also supported Nancy Pelosi in creating the January 6th Commission to help re-elect Democrats.  [*Note Anthony Gonzalez (OH) already conceded and will not run again]

♦ Valdao is being challenged in California by Chris Mathys [ Website Here ]

♦ Kinzinger is being challenged in Illinois by Catalina Lauf [ Website Here]

♦ Meijer is being challenged in Michigan by Tom Norton [ Website Here]

♦ Upton is being challenged in Michigan by Steve Carra [ Website Here]

♦ Cheney is being challenged in Wyoming by Harriet Hageman [Website Here]

♦ John Katko (NY-24) is currently uncontested [ Need Primary Candidate]

♦ Gonzalez is being challenged in Ohio by Max Miller [ Website Here ]

♦ Tom Rice is being challenged in South Carolina by Ken Richardson [ Website Here ]

♦ Herrera-Beutler is being challenged in Washington State by Joe Kent [ Website Here ]

♦ Newhouse is being challenged in Washington State by Loren Culp [ Website Here ]


If you’ve been in the battle for a while, you know what to do:

Select a candidate or candidates that you want to support. Then send them money, no amount is too small.

Second, it’s okay if you cannot send them money. Share this link with your friends, family, community and tribe. Distributing the message is just as valuable, if not more, than sending a direct donation.

Post links to the primary challenger you support on Facebook, Twitter and all your social media platforms. Help get out the word. Make a weekly reminder to keep doing this and spread your message out on different days and different times so you catch the maximum visibility.

If you live in the area, donate your time to help the candidate. If you do not live in the area, you may still volunteer your time to do phone calls, emails and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts. Take action.

Be very visible with your support (yard signs etc). If the candidate doesn’t have the resources for signs, stickers etc, MAKE YOUR OWN.

Even if the candidate does have signs etc, remember you can save them campaign expenses if you make your own. Think big and act. Some of the most successful challenges have nothing to do with money, and everything to do with organization and determination.

Remember also, YOU MATTER. No amount of effort is too small. If you are new to the grassroot effort, think like an insurgent. Simple post-it notes left around (gas pumps, restaurants, etc) supporting your candidate are a simple and effective way to send a message. Keep imprinting the name. Simple post-it notes can have a big impact with name imprint: Ex. “Support Joe Kent“, written with a sharpie on a post-it note. That’s it. That’s all it needs to say. It puts the message out.

Keep all messages positive. We are all in the same foxhole. Put your support behind those who are standing up. Do not sit silent while our candidates stand in front of the fury of entrenched opposition. Stand with them. STAND.

If you are in the area of one of these challenges, network with the community and volunteer for anything you are able. No effort is too small, even making coffee or helping run errands can be a big assist. Key point…. keep making the offer even if there is nothing currently available that fits your schedule or ability.

When you turn your thoughts into action, you will be amazed at how positive your frame of mind becomes. Taking action is empowering.

~ Sundance