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7 Reasons Parents Should Have No Say Whatsoever In Their Child’s Education

Do you think parents should have a say in their kids' education? You're wrong! Here are 7 reasons parents need to just stay away and let the professionals raise their kids. 

1) Parents don't know anything about kids: It's true. Most of them don't have master's degrees in kid-raising or education. Sad! 

2) Most parents don't raise their kids to be unquestioning drones of the dystopian state: Very selfish of them.

3) Uneducated parents might only know about two of the genders: What a bunch of dopes! Do you want your kid to be underprepared for her gender studies degree? 

4) Parents' judgment can't be trusted since they chose to have kids instead of getting an abortion: Having kids is like, the WORST thing you can do for the planet. Gross. 

5) Parents may read books like Cat in the Hat or Tuttle Twins instead of My Two DadsJust like the Nazis did.

6) They might not want their 5-year-old to transition just yet: Not giving your kid surgery and hormone blockers the second they wear something pink is literally child abuse. 

7) Reinforces the outdated stereotype that the nuclear family is the core of society: The nuclear family is a despicable invention of white people and anyone who participates in it is guilty of white supremacy. The State is your family now! Repeat after us! The State is my family...

By now we're sure you're convinced that parents should stay far, far away from their kids' education. Just let the smart people take it from here. You're welcome!