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Williamson County TN School Board Meeting Erupts After Board Mandates Masks for Elementary Students

Things got ugly in Williamson County, Tennessee, as the school board defied the parents and required students to wear masks this school year.  The debate inside the board meeting was very heated as the board members decided to force the students to wear masks regardless of what the parents wanted.

The four-hour school board meeting drew a large crowd of freedom protesters including former sports journalist and conservative political commentator Clay Travis, who has children that attend schools in the district.  Local news report:

Apparently, the dancing Tik-Tok and Healthcare workers union showed up to advocate for forced masks and said any of the parents who were not compliant were trying to endanger the children.  The factions within Tennessee became clear quickly as the totalitarians started shutting down the voices of the parents in opposition to their social control plan.

Things really got ugly when Joe Biden’s coalition of supporters and condescending Tik-Tok healthcare workers left the building and were surrounded by angry parents.

It befuddles me how wearing a mask (or not) is not just a decision left up to the individual parents, teachers and employees within the school.  If a parent wants to mask their child they should, if a parent doesn’t – that should be an option also.  Same for teachers and everyone else.  Why can’t these school boards leave it up to the individual?