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OPINION: My View on The Human Race and Life

My View on The Human Race and Life

By: NCIS LA Fangirl • 12 AUG 2021

I've witnessed a lot throughout my almost 20 years of being alive. How do I think about the human race and life in general? Well, here's my answers:

As my 12 year homeschool education has taught me, No human is perfect. We are all flawed beings who make mistakes from time to time. Some more then others. There are good and bad people.

I also know that humans have the capacity to learn from their mistakes and be a better person. It's not often seen or heard about, but some people do change for the better.

As I've read throughout history, there have been humans who have wanted nothing more then to destroy and control other humans and life itself. I have also read, that those kind of monsters, were also all defeated in the end. Take what we've been witnessing for the last year for example, Yeah. All these bad liberals wanting to control our lives and wanting us to turn against everyone else, and everything might look very bleak depending on where you get your news, but here's the twist: Evil like this doesn't last forever. Right now, there are many brave souls throughout the world who are fighting to keep our freedoms alive, and are risking their own lives in the process. This has also happened throughout history: Good rising and triumphing against evil. And I firmly believe that we are witnessing the end of the evil that we've been witnessing for the past year.

I also know that humans are, quite dumb a lot. As the last year has proven quite well, most humans will believe any lie they hear about if it concerns health or death. But, I also know that humans can learn the truth about the lies, and vow to expose those lies at the expense of their lives. And I also know there are also humans who learn very later on just how much they've been lied to. (like all these people who are waking up to the lies of the past year.).

I also know that humans can be very caring human beings. My parents are those types for example, and they've been that way my whole life. I've also gotten to know some very kind people online on these conservative sites.

I also know that not everyone who screws up is an actual screw up. I've sometimes thought that I'm just a perpetual screw up if I make a small mistake that costs me something that I loved. But I'm not a screw up, I'm just human.

I've seen the worst of the human race this past year, we all have. But with the aid of sites like this and brave truth seekers, we are also seeing the best of the human race! We are seeing brave people rising up to stand up for their freedoms, and despite what our lying Mainstream Media has tried to say, There ARE enough people who are waking up every day to realize that they've been lied to, and want to do something about it! These brave souls want to fight for their and our freedom, why? Because Americans don't give up, no matter who grim of a picture doom and gloomers try to paint the picture.

Some individuals think that we're just a flawed race that is doomed to either be evil or bend over to evil eventually. I don't know why they would think that, either they've had a rough go at life, or that's just how they think, but I know those individuals are wrong.

Did God give up on the human race after Adam and Eve sinned? No. Instead he promised to send his only Son to free us from hell, and he did. The Bible is filled with humans turning to evil, and humans who rose up against evil and triumphed over that evil.

I know that we are a deeply flawed race, that makes mistakes either intentionally or unintentionally. That believes lies either on purpose or not on purpose. But I also know that we are the race that does not give up and accept evil as our forever! As I've said above, there are many brave souls out there fighting for our freedoms as normal human beings, they may be hidden or unheard of because of the lying media, but they exist.

Bottom line: Despite everything that has happened in the last 17 months, I still try to see the good in people, and hope that those who are still believing the lies eventually wake up sooner then later, and continue to believe in a bright future for all.

Types like me exist out there, you just have to look carefully.

If anyone thinks I'm being naive, or that I've never had a rough go at life. Here's 2 things: 1, I HAVE had rough go's at life! Most of them have occurred in the last year! 2, I'm not dumb, I know who the evil ones are, and therefore, I think of them as evil. I show my merciful side to those who deserve it.


As for how I think about life in general, well. It's quite a trip!

There have been moments where I feel very happy to be alive, and moments where I wish I could just crawl into a hole and disappear.

And there have definitely been funny moments where unexpected good comes out of the weirdest things!

Life is, definitely something, in so many ways. Right now, I feel confident that a lot of good may be coming my way in the future.

So, got any thoughts on this? Feel free to say so!

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