How do more people not just go completely crazy from what's going on?
How do more people not just go completely crazy from what's going on? How are there not more Howard Beale incidents? Having to suddenly wear a mask as a religious garment as all life is transferred to an online panopticon? How do people not scream lmao![](
They're purging the military and government of anyone sane or decent with this tentacle rape vaccine policy. They changed voting laws and escalated race riots and a pandemic in order to fraudulently assume power. They're openly holding Republicans as political prisoners.
They've demonized men and basic male sexuality in order to create a weak, pharma-dependent genderless population of superstitious fearful consumers who act as free police by bullying and harassing anyone critical of the regime
Men are removed from power via continuous cynically deployed sex scandals, which have rerouted the human sex drive to respond to public spectacles of punishment and humiliation as the acceptable sexual outlet. Cancel culture is a libidinous sexual activity for sadists and eunuchs
The casual demonization of men in media is astonishing. Birth of a Nation, the most notoriously racist movie of all time, was more sympathetic in its depiction of blacks than your average Hulu show with its peanut gallery of white male rapists, villains, and servants
Male decency, if is even shown as a possibility, is always indicated exclusively by racial signifiers. If a male character is in an interracial relationship, it follows that he is good. The crudeness of the racial propaganda is mind blowing
There is no casual mindless entertainment to be enjoyed anymore. You can't just turn on the TV and zone out without being faced with sermons openly calling for the extinction of men and instructing the audience on why censorship is good
They murder and abuse the elderly and then fabricate a sex scandal to run as a decoy. This continuous panic about human sexuality cannot continue. I can't accept that the American experiment will just peter out with MeToo power grabs and virally deployed transgender ideology
The atmosphere is of continuous deliberate stimulation. Alcohol available on every corner at all times but no 24hr stores or restaurants anymore. People are goaded into scandals and spectacles which make money and drive clicks and salacious moral indignation
Everyone is tortured with loneliness and starved for affection. Society is being reorganized so that all human interaction must happen online under strict surveillance. The price you pay for friendship is obedience to Democrat rule. Nothing can happen out of their sight
Troop Beverly Hills is a movie about the triumph of the capitalist individual, the representative of truth and beauty, over the murky, conformist lesbian forces of communism. It's lesson is extremely valuable at this moment
What the world needs is a massive thrust of masculine energy. A Howard Roark building jutting into the sky. A giant cock which will drown everything in a flood of cum, Noah's Ark style, so we can be free to rebuild. One giant cock, with massive balls, cooming eternally
Picture it: an AWFL awaits the arrival of her UberEats Nigerian. She's posting about her lived experience as a Long-Covid sufferer. One giant cock appears in the sky and drowns her and everyone else in rivers of fresh, potent cum, never to be seen again. Healing can begin.
A man lumbers into his wagecuck. An email, dotted with exclamation points, has arrived: pronouns are now required in all official communication. Suddenly, a river of hot, cleansing cum bursts through the window.
No one who knows what a pronoun is is ever seen or heard from again
No one who knows what a pronoun is is ever seen or heard from again
A childless millennial walks her fur baby. Both are masked. She catches a whiff of cigarette smoke and prepares to berate the homeless man responsible. Down from the sky drops a massive, hairy male ass the size of Manhattan. Everyone is squashed like an ant. The cleansing begins
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