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Holland Awards Pride Picture For Being ICONIC

 The Post Millennial

A photo from a Pride event in Holland won an award for being "iconic" and the "most aesthetic." It shows a a small child smiling while surrounded by men in bondage gear. The men, in harnesses and shiny black hot pants, are gathered outdoors on a porch where a little girl plays with a swing set.

The Post Millennial's Andy Ngo shared the photo, saying that a "woman claiming to be the girl's mother" had "opened her home for the men to change." The photo is called "Celebrating Diversity," and was snapped by Jan van Breda.

In selecting van Breda's photo, the jury stated that "This photo, in its composition - child in the foreground, men preparing for Canal Parade in the background, everyone busy with their own activities and fascinations - sublimely depicts what will hopefully remain self-evident: that we, unhampered by prejudices , and almost unsuspectingly, all may and can exist side by side."

What do you think of the photo?
Should children be exposed to adult fetish behaviours?
A local councilwoman endorsed the photos and proudly stated men like this should be able to marry in the church. Do you agree?