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A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!

Stu Cvrk reporting for RedState 

A.U.D.I.T.: About Undermining Democrat-Implemented Theft (of elections)

Despite the best efforts by the Democrat-media complex and the execrable RINOs who are helping them, the revelations about what truly transpired during the 2020 election have not attenuated one iota over the past week. In fact, the trickle has become a veritable torrent! Before getting to that deluge of election-related reports, a few reminders are in order:

  • The Democrats can’t have it both ways, claiming that the election was the “most secure ever” while doing everything possible to preclude the verification of that simple claim through forensic audits.
  • Audits aren’t a “threat to democracy,” as the Democrats and their media sycophants continually bleat. In reality, standing in the way of audits undermines our constitutional Republic and the confidence that the American people have in our election processes, for without election integrity, anything is possible (including Democrat/Uniparty political hegemony ad infinitum against the will of the people).
  • If we have learned anything in the Age of Trump, the opposite of what Democrats claim is almost certainly the truth. The list is long of Democrat agitprop later proved to be false: Trump-Russia collusion, Trump is a stooge of Putin, Steele dossier, Ukraine phone call quid pro quo, Charlottesville, Trump is a dictator, clearing Lafayette Square with tear gas, inciting insurrection, and all the rest. Thus, their endlessly repeated claims that the 2020 election was the most secure in history with its corollary that any assertions of voter fraud are “baseless” are merely the next on the list of items that will be debunked – just as the mountain of evidence discovered and analyzed since Election Day is making obvious to all but the willfully blind.
  • Finally, to claim that those advocating for forensic audits must be stopped “to prevent this concerted effort to undermine our election,” as The Hologram read from his remarks prepared by his handler in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, is the opposite of the truth, as fraud vitiates everything, including a presidency.

Who are those who have “undermined our election” when massive fraud is proven? Voter fraud means that US citizens have been disenfranchised through illegal ballots cast and counted. And this is a violation of equal protection rights under the 14th Amendment. Full forensic audits are the only way to ascertain the truth and restore election integrity. Let the chips fall where they may, Democrats. The country will be better for it.

The “A.U.D.I.T. report” from last Friday – the eighth in the continuing series – debunked that “baseless claims of fraud” corollary, but it is worth repeating two important sources that provide online access to voter fraud information:

  • The 2020 Election Evidence Project is an incredible resource that continuously compiles evidence of election fraud – dozens and dozens of hot-linked sources.
  • Promoting American Election Integrity has posted reports from their “team of authors of 2020 election-related analyses … whose expertise covers a wide range of fields (Cyber Security, IT, Statistics, Physics, Economics, etc.).”

The bombshells from the audits themselves will debunk the “most secure election in history” lie. It’s just a matter of time now although related reports from the last week provide still more evidence of widespread criminality (there, I said it! – and so did Tucker Carlson in his report on Georgia election fraud on Wednesday night) related to the 2020 elections.

Let’s get on with a summation of election-related reports over the last week in this ninth part of the ongoing series. The preceding parts are hereherehereherehereherehere, and here. Anything bracketed [ ] in the below represents my 2 cents.

Note: this update will contain excerpts from the considerable analysis by former Army captain Seth Keshel, who has excelled in assessing and comparing voter registration data to vote tallies in counties and states across the US during the 2020 election. He has identified a large number of inconsistencies, including in Red states. (Be sure to pay attention to his suspicions about those states!) Follow him on Telegram at @RealSKeshel.


Trump – 189,951 (52.8%)
Biden – 153,778 (42.8%)

Notes: apologies for the crude map. AK is divided electorally into 40 State House districts, and that is how they track presidential results. These are new as of 2016, so trends are not available except for Party ID shifts and new voter numbers.

Biden is 38k over Clinton in one cycle, with Trump up 27k. Trump is still not higher than McCain 2008.

Biden appears 19k heavy, meaning a more likely margin in Alaska counting only excess votes is 55.7% to 37.4%, or 18.3% instead of 10.0%.

It appears that, indeed, Alaska was the putter of states in the golf bag of corruption, with PA being the driver, and MI, MN, WI, AZ, and GA serving as irons and wedges.

Alaska was machined as such to provide needed flexibility in case Biden got stuck at 267-269 electoral votes.

It doesn’t even take a rainman to figure that out – it took three days to call it, a state Trump won by 15% and gained 27k in. It was simply “let go” as a courtesy once they realized GA and AZ were caught in the web, along with the rust belt.

They just didn’t think it would be looked in to since it still went to Trump by 10%. But, sure, 92% of your 68,000 new registered voters are independent/unaffiliated. Roger that. This is the Oregon, Washington, and California west coast model.

Senator Murkowski, call your office.

[That last point is a teaser, but it is a clear indication that Democrats aren’t the only politicians who benefit from ballot manipulation.]


  • Here are some excerpts from Seth Keshel’s analysis of Arizona:

Biden – 1,672,143 (49.4%)
Trump – 1,661,686 (49.1%)

No GOP candidate has ever exploded in votes like Trump in AZ with a gain of 410k in a state that has been blue just once since 1948. His record gain of 248k in Maricopa Co. was also just for fun, as he set a GOP record gain there just so he could lose it for the first time since 1972.

Biden is +511k in one election cycle, which blows away the previous record when Kerry added +209k in the first election of the higher turnout era in 2004.

If Biden is 220k votes heavy in AZ, counting only excess votes, Trump would have carried the state 52.4% to 45.8%, for a margin of 6.6%, which tracks with a Baris poll about 2 weeks before the election.

[Translation: these anomalies cannot be – and have not been – satisfactorily explained by the Democrat-media complex and are just some of the reasons why the Maricopa audit is necessary.]

  • In her latest gambit to try to stop the audit, “Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs … asked Attorney General Mark Brnovich to open a criminal investigation into possible efforts by former President Donald Trump and his allies to influence Maricopa County supervisors as the ballots were still being tallied. Hobbs said some of the communications ‘involve clear efforts to induce supervisors to refuse to comply with their duties,’ which could violate Arizona law.” That won’t stop the audit or negate the results!
  • The Arizona Senate has authorized its own recount of the Maricopa County votes:

[The] Senate will do its own recount that will provide a number to compare to those from the county and from the auditors.

“Maricopa County says there’s 2,089,563 ballots. We did the hand count, and they’re finalizing that number, but we just wanted a third number to tie everything together, make sure we have more—the more data points, the better,” former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, the Senate’s audit liaison [said].

[Methinks the numbers from the county and the auditors don’t match, and that’s exactly what Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said on Tuesday.]

  • In another clear sign of Democrat panic, two House Democrats are launching a federal investigation into the Arizona audit (read their letter to Cyber Ninjas, Inc, here). What will AG Brnovich do about this interference in a state responsibility?


Biden – 11.1m (63.5%)
Trump – 6.0m (34.3%)

First takeaway on CA – although CA trended D in reg by 2%, Trump pushed it slightly right even in certified totals. This is only done with winning low-propensity voters, registered Ds, indies, especially working class Hispanics in So. CA.

Trump gained 1.52mm votes, 580k more than record GOP gain, but Ds have DOUBLED vote total since 2000, with Biden nearly 3mm over Obama ’08.

Proportionally, L.A., Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego absolutely dwarf other counties for new reg voters. Are these phantom factories? Est. 1.346 mm excess Biden votes, would put state at 23.3% margin if only excess votes considered. I believe CA to be much tighter.


Biden – 1,804,352 (55.40%)
Trump – 1,364,607 (41.90%)

Dem-trending registration favors JB win; however, massive increases in voter rolls like in OR with unaffiliated party voters is curious. JB is +465k in a small state over Clinton, with previous high Dem gain of 287k for Obama (35k and 15k in 2 elections following). DT is +162k.

CO Sec. State decision to ban audits forced a lot of people to take a good look here, when many weren’t watching it. Biden’s vote totals in a state that already voted by mail anyway make little sense. I estimate 183k excess votes statewide.

Best [audit] targets are Mesa and Weld [counties]. With excess votes only accounted for, 52.7% to 44.4% (8.3%) is an accurate JB number in keeping with reg trends. If votes are being flipped, look out. Would have made the Gardner race very tight.


  • Here are some excerpts from Seth Keshel’s election analysis of Florida:

Trump – 5,668,731 (51.22%)
Biden – 5,297, 045 (47.86%)

Trump is up a staggering 1.04mm votes from 2016, more than double his gain over Romney.
Biden is up 792k, a Dem record in Florida as the state drifts further right.

Bottom Line: Biden appears at least 296k votes heavy based on registration trends and historical data tracking with population increases. If accurate, counting only excess votes, Trump’s margin is FL is more accurately represented at 52.6% to 46.4%, or a 6.2% margin of victory, and margin of 667k votes.

Does that seem too high? It shouldn’t – these are typical margins for someone like Marco Rubio, who gets Trumpian numbers with Cuban and Venezuelan voters and pours it on in the red counties.

Best targets for audits: Lake, Pasco, Santa Rosa, Volusia, Walton.


  • Bombshell! Mark Davis, an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues, obtained data from the National Change of Address (NCOA) database that identified Georgia residents who moved before the 2020 election, according to the U.S. Postal Service, and as reported here (emphasis added):

Davis identified nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another, but then voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved.

[Of those] approximately 35,000 Georgians who indicated they had moved from one county to another county more than 30 days before the November general election, as of May, more than 10,300 had updated their voter registration information, providing the secretary of state the exact address they had previously provided to the USPS. Those same 10,000-plus individuals all also cast ballots in the county in which they had previously lived [which is illegal].

“That number continues to increase every day as more and more people update their registrations,” Davis said. “I have little doubt that the total number will eventually meet and then exceed President Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia.”

  • An explanation of the rationale for the pending audit(s) and the Democrat-media hypocrisy in fighting them in GA is excerpted below:

Illegal voting might not be glamourous and it definitely doesn’t garner the headlines, but every illegal vote counted cancels out a lawfully cast ballot, thereby disenfranchising the latter voter. And a voter holds a right both “to cast his or her vote, and the corresponding right of each of those legally registered voters to be protected from having that vote diluted by illegally or fraudulently cast votes.”

But in Georgia it now appears near-certain that tens of thousands of residents voted illegally in the 2020 general election. Yet there is a collective yawn by the same politicians and press corps desperate to sell the tale of impending disenfranchisement in red states.

If Democrats cared about disenfranchisement, they would care about legal voters disenfranchised by scofflaws. They would care about what happened in Georgia.

But instead, when Georgia passed the Election Integrity Act of 2021, Democrats, led by Biden, targeted the state, calling the law “Jim Crow on steroids,” prompting Major League Baseball to move its All-Star Game from Atlanta. Then, after H.R. 1 stalled in the Senate, the Biden administration’s Department of Justice filed a frivolous lawsuit against Georgia, claiming the state’s election integrity law violated the Voting Rights Act.

The irony here is that, for all the Democrats screaming that Georgia’s law, and similar voting-integrity bills passed or pending in other states, represent Jim Crow disenfranchisement efforts, there is more evidence that voters are disenfranchised by fraud than any of the provisions sought to prevent fraud.

  • Another bombshell! VoterGA filed an amended complaint to their lawsuit that contains new evidence from recently released public records showing massive errors and provable fraud during Fulton County’s hand count audit of the election. The errors include:
    • Audit errors
    • Duplicate votes in audit results
    • False audit reporting
    • Audit results without ballots
    • Missing chain of custody proof
    • Ballots unreported in audit results
    • Audit procedural flaws
  • If you think that VoterGA is exaggerating the claims in their amended complaint, then watch this short video:

Fulton County falsified 7 audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches of ballot images.

For example, a batch containing 59 actual ballot images for Joe Biden, 42 for Donald Trump and 0 for Jo Jorgenson was reported as 100 for Biden and 0 for Trump.

The seven batches of ballot images with 554 votes for Joe Biden, 140 votes for Donald Trump and 11 votes for Jo Jorgenson had tally sheets in the audit falsified to show 850 votes for Biden, 0 votes for Trump and 0 votes for Jorgenson.

The VoterGA team also found at least 36 duplicate batches of mail-in ballots which resulted in 4,255 total extra votes. These fraudulent votes include 3,390 extra votes for Joe Biden, 865 extra votes for Donald Trump, and 43 extra votes for Jo Jorgenson.

The error reporting rate in Fulton’s hand count audit is a whopping 59.7%.

  • Meanwhile, Georgia Secretary of State (SOS) Brad Raffensperger has been investigating the election whistleblowers, not the fraud. Interestingly, Raffensperger has been claiming since the election that there is no election fraud. From a Creative Destruction Media report:

SOS Investigator Paul Braun has contacted virtually all the key affiants in the Fulton County ballot inspection case and attempted to interview them. However, they contend that he did not seem interested in finding potential fraud but was more interested investigating them.

[The examples in the article are conclusive, as is the corruption presented about the SOS Inspector General office. Be sure to read it. Georgians have a lot of work to do.]

  • US Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) calls on Raffensperger to resign from office (long overdue):

The case alleges the runoff election for the GA U.S. Senate seats, which was certified in February of this year, was illegally executed on many levels and so does not accurately reflect the will of GA voters.  The lawsuit calls for a new election based on paper ballots as provided in Georgia law.

“The case does not rely on the anecdotal evidence of ballot harvesting, dead citizens voting, or stuffed ballot boxes to seek to overturn the GA Senate election.  This case is different because it involves a solid, objective examination of whether the voting machines used in the election meet the required GA statutory standards.  The answer is — they do not.  Since they do not, the election must be invalidated,” declared Daugherty.

“With the recent ruling that takes the case out of Fulton, things will start moving fast. The impetus of this case is not political, nor for either side.  It’s simply about free and fair elections. We cannot survive as a nation with voter fraud, systemic fraud and national distrust of election integrity.  This destruction of American democracy has to be stopped.”

[The Democrats have thrown Perkins-Coie at this lawsuit, hoping to preserve their control of the US Senate.]

  • The explosion of ballot boxes before the election (and the inherent opportunities for fraud because ANYONE can drop off a “completed ballot”) is being curtailed by the new election integrity law:

How very interesting. The ‘investigative reporters’ at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Georgia Public Broadcasting just showed us the difference in the availability of drop boxes between Democratic and Republican-majority counties in Georgia. This is a prime example of disparate treatment, which is prohibited under the law. The reporters include the following data: “The data shows that 56% of absentee ballots in Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton and Gwinnett counties were returned in drop boxes, compared with 32% in the 11 smaller counties. Drop box usage as a percent of absentees returned DeKalb: 62% Cobb: 61% Fulton: 53% Sumter: 48% Gwinnett: 46% Baldwin: 40% Forsyth: 34% Whitfield: 32% Troup: 31% Appling: 26% Banks: 24% Bacon: 23% Spalding: 19% Quitman: 14% Chattahoochee: 3% Source: Drop box ballot transfer forms.”


Biden – 366k (63.7%)
Trump – 197k (34.3%)

I remember a recent president from HI who maxed out at 325k votes, with GOP topping out at 121k, as main voting center of state only grew by 2% in population over the entire decade. It seems people had been waiting for Biden this entire time.

Trump’s gain of 68k in HI is a GOP record. Hawaii added 76k new voters since 2016, and when viewing the trend, there has been a tightening since 2008, with loss of D votes all around since Obama’s first run. Historically, GOP incumbents run stronger in HI during re-election (Reagan won it and GW Bush had 45%.

If told ahead of time Trump would receive 197k votes, I am estimating that Biden is 55k higher than would be thought possible, at most generous expectations and assigning all third party totals from 2016 to his column. More accurate margin [of Biden’s margin of victory] considering ONLY excess votes is about 21.9%, with Trump near 40% in Honolulu.


Trump – 554,119 (63.9%)
Biden – 287,021 (33.1%)

Idaho taught me a lot. As I’ve said, it is almost clean as a whistle. More on that shortly.

ID trended exactly as the registration by party data said it would, and this taught me a lot about UT, AZ, and MT. More later.

Ada County, we have a record high Biden vote gain of 45k, when the previous record was 24k for Obama 08. If we assume a fair 2016 amount for Ds in Ada would be about 90k, then this is less ominous. Trump got most 2016 sit-outs back; GOP out-registered Dems in Ada 37k-26k (1.6 to 1 ratio) in last four year… but the % trended slightly D (1.6%).

Bottom Line – I feel Biden is about 15-20k heavy in Ada County.

This, so far, is my best example of PROPER TRENDING in the 2020 election. Recommend audit for Ada County. If Biden is 15k heavy, margin would be 64.9-31.9% (33.0%).

[Note that Seth implies that most of the other states he analyzed didn’t trend properly in 2020!]


  • Speaking of Sen. Ed McBroom, the chairman of the State Republican-led Senate Oversight Committee asked Dana Nessel, the Democrat AG, to “investigate allegations that unnamed individuals are making false claims about the 2020 election for personal profit.” Given that McBroom et al. did not review any of Deperno’s evidence, one wonders what is motivating him since most people support audits. Again, where is the harm in conducting an audit – except to Democrats if fraud is confirmed or to Republicans if none is found?
  • Here is what Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who has been fighting Deperno about the Antrim County findings, says about Nessel’s investigation:

Benson said her office looked forward to partnering with Nessel “on this critical investigation into the real fraud that took place in 2020: efforts to deceive Michigan citizens about their vote with misleading, false statements about the accuracy & integrity of our elections.”

  • And here is Deperno’s response to the Nessel-Benson investigation:

Dana Nessel is a lawless Marxist. She is trying to stop our investigation into election fraud. She is also opposing counsel in the case Bailey v Antrim County and Jocelyn Benson. She is now using the power of the police state and her to actively investigate opposing counsel. This is unethical, unconstitutional, and criminal (see MCL 750.505). Dana Nessel must resign immediately for her unethical conduct.

  • Michigan’s Election Source, a subcontractor of Dominion Systems, issued a letter to county clerks about “upcoming maintenance” on electronic voting machines – basically a battery replacement that would wipe out the election records from last year. Patrick Colbeck, a former state senator and candidate for governor, reminded them that destroying those records is a violation of federal law (USC Title 52 Section 20701):

  • Here is an excerpt from an election night county-by-county analysis of voter registration trends in Michigan by Seth Keshel that provides ample rationale for a state-wide audit. So much for the AG Nessel and Sec’y of State Benson and their own baseless claims. Recommend reading the entire analysis report here.

The consistent characteristic in the shift in Michigan’s political landscape is the declining Democratic Party raw vote totals, and the increasing Republican totals. Thus far, according to the Decision Desk unofficial vote tally, President Trump is substantially adding to his vote totals in every Michigan County, while his opponent adds votes at a greater percentage, often in counties that have trended steadily away from Democrats since at least 2008.

All counties showing two consecutive cycles of inverse party trend (Republican up twice, Democrat down twice), with Democrats substantially up this year, may be subject to counting errors, or “glitches,” like those reported in Antrim County. These voting machines and their associated software should be audited and examined by coding professionals, especially if the recent newsworthy events regarding corrupted voting software are widespread.

The entire vote in Michigan is suspect against historical trends and should be subject to recanvass and audit, not just a recount of hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots. It appears that the major case in the state is that in spite of substantially growing his vote share in strong-Trump counties, and surging in votes in urban and suburban counties, Trump’s margin is substantially limited, even after two consecutive inverse party trends. In urban or suburban areas, Democratic vote share is soaring to record numbers, even over Obama’s totals after a 16.44% win, all while Trump surges in votes in those counties as well. Urban areas have issues with transparency and should be fully audited for mail and absentee fraud.


Trump – 343,602 (56.92%)
Biden – 244,786 (40.55%)

Trump added 64k votes in 4 years, a GOP record, but curiously, Biden, while losing by 16.4%, gained 67k votes as the state registered just 58k new voters.

I think target here was actually senate race which was an 11% race between Bullock and Daines; also a gubernatorial race. Keep in mind, there is a big scrap in Missoula Co. right now over about 6,000 ballots thought to be illegally cast.

I estimate 46k excess votes statewide. If accurate, and counting ONLY excess Biden vote growth, Trump should have won this state about 61.6% to 35.6% – in other words, a shellacking that tracks accurately with the progression from 2012 to 2016.

[In short, there is a strong possibility that the numbers were “adjusted” in favor of The Hologram. Green counties are clean; red are problematic. I wonder what a full forensic audit would uncover?]


  • Here are some excerpts from Seth Keshel’s analysis of Purple/Blue Nevada:

Biden – 703,486 (50.06%)
Trump – 669,890 (47.67%)

I’ve done several deep dives that included NV, so won’t go into too much detail here. 14 counties + Independent Carson City trended roughly as expected, no real demand for forensics in those unless a statewide audit happened.

Washoe is a little heavy on votes but not smoking gun like Clark County is.

Estimate 100k+ excess votes in Clark County for JB.

Forensic audit is a must for Clark County, but [Democrat] governor, Sec. State, and legislature are major issues.

New York.

The city’s Board of Elections has asked the US Department of Justice and the state Attorney General’s office to investigate whether a candidate for a City Council seat on Staten Island ran an illegal ballot-harvesting and forgery operation in last month’s primary – including registering dead people to vote for him, The Post has learned.

Hemalee Patel, the BOE’s general counsel, sent letters Wednesday to both Attorney General Letitia James and Jacquelyn M. Kasulis, acting United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, asking their offices to open election-fraud probes into the campaign of Marko Kepi, a US Marine seeking the Republican line in the race for the 50th District council seat representing the borough’s Mid-Island section.

[Investigate, and let the chips fall where they may. Does that mean that Democrats don’t support ballot harvesting anymore? Not on your life.]


  • State Sen. Mastriano’s planned audit of three counties is being disputed/fought/disparaged by elected Democrats in the state, as reported here:

The Pennsylvania Department of State issued a directive prohibiting county election boards from cooperating with the Senate’s election audit.

According to the directive from the Secretary of State’s office:

▪️ Elections officials may not turn over election material to third parties.

▪️ Any equipment turned over to a third party cannot be used again in an election.

▪️ The state will not reimburse counties for the cost of replacement equipment.

[What are Democrats worried about, given their claim that “2020 was the most secure election ever”? Methinks they are lying about that, and their resistance to a Pennsylvania is proof.]

The Pennsylvania agency in charge of elections has issued a new directive telling counties not to let outside parties access electronic voting systems or components of such systems, such as tabulators and ballot printers. The directive from the Pennsylvania Department of State, released on July 9, says that county boards of elections “shall not” provide any access to third parties that are seeking to examine the systems or system components. If the counties do allow access, the voting equipment that is examined “will be considered no longer secure or reliable to use in subsequent elections” and the department will withdraw its certification for the equipment.

  • Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman then weighed in condemning the DOS action to prevent third party access to the electronic voting systems by reminding DOS that it is the state legislature that has sole authority to determine what is legal and appropriate regarding PA state elections: “Deeply troubling that the Wolf Administration has once again weaponized and politicized an agency that is supposed to be neutral on matters pertaining to elections. This is a clear attack on Legislature’s authority to review, investigate and legislate.”

  • Social media personality @KanekoaTheGreat on Telegram reminds us of the real-time vote shifts observed on Election Night in Pennsylvania (video available here):

113,870 votes subtracted from Donald Trump on November 3, 2020 between 9:16 pm ET and 9:17 pm ET on CNN.

66,085 votes subtracted from Trump on November 3, 2020 between 9:16 pm ET and 9:24 pm ET on CNBC.

19,958 votes subtracted from Trump and added to Biden on November 3, 2020 between 11:09 pm ET and 11:10 pm ET on CNN.

Elections are an additive process – you count the votes – and add them up.

[The Democrats want us to forget those anomalies because it was “the most secure election in US history.” Riiiiight. No time like the present for a full forensic audit.]

  • And another reminder from @KanekoaTheGreat (video available here):

USPS Subcontractor Jesse Morgan says he drove 144,000 to 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 general election from Bethpage, New York, to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

When arriving in Pennsylvania, he was made to wait for six hours, and spoke with the transportation supervisor who he said was a “top guy” that he never spoke with.

The supervisor refused to give him a ticket slip to show that he arrived.

He unhooked his trailer and parked his truck only to find the next day that his trailer filled with completed ballots was gone without any explanation.

“I know I saw ballots with return addresses filled out, thousands of them, thousands. Loaded onto my trailer in New York and headed for Pennsylvania.”

Jesse Morgan says that when he gave this information to the FBI, instead of investigating the claims, they harassed him and his family.

[The Democrats want us to fuhgeddaboudit, too.]


  • Democratic members of the state House of Representatives fled to Washington, DC, in a political stunt in order to escape votes on new election laws and to push for the passage of HR1/S1 in Congress. And The Cackler was quick to heap praise on those “brave Democrat state legislators:

When asked during a Friday BET interview whether she would compromise on voter ID provisions in order to pass voting legislation, Harris said that for some, “you’re going to have to Xerox or photocopy your ID to send it in to prove that you are who you are,” and that many people live where “there’s no Kinko’s, there’s no OfficeMax near them.”

[This proves yet again that the woman is clueless and, in this case, knows nothing about the real America. Does she even know where South Dakota is located?]

  • Old Democrat go-to rag The New York Times quoted failed Democrat presidential (and senate) candidate Beto O’Rourke in their hit piece on the Texas election laws. Yeah, that’ll work because Beto is a really, really believable guy!

“This is the single greatest coordinated attack on democracy in our lifetimes, and perhaps in the life of this country,” said Beto O’Rourke, a former U.S. representative and candidate for president, who has taken a lead role for Democrats on the voting issue and was at the Capitol for the hearing.

  • Not to be outdone, The Washington Post weighed in on those dastardly Republicans and their election integrity laws, as discussed by “civil rights leaders” in a White House meeting with The Hologram:

Because if the forces of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) and the legions of state GOP legislators are successful with their voter suppression schemes, then tomorrow will be worse than all of the bad old days before passage of the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965.

[Yeah, right. This ridiculous hyperbole is a sign of Democrat desperation and fits with The Hologram’s claim that Republicans are “returning to the days of Jim Crow.” Except they think we’ve forgotten that Jim Crow was a Democrat!]

  • And this is PA AG Josh Shapiro (D) weighing in. That’s the guy who is apoplectic about the 3-county audit in his own state. Since when is running away a sign of courage? As usual, Democrats have it inside out:

  • Except that’s not quite working out how they planned. Gov. Greg Abbot announced that those 51 Democrat state legislators can look forward to being arrested upon their return:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott told Fox News on Monday night that Democrats who fled the state to stop legitimate democratic processes from being carried out by the state’s legislature will “be arrested” the moment that they step foot back in the state and hauled to the state Capitol to do their jobs.

Abbott noted that the lawmakers were effectively “using a filibuster to flee the state of Texas to plead with the president to do away with the filibuster in Washington, D.C.,” which he noted was “hypocrisy on its face.”

[I like that last bit about more Democrat hypocrisy in particular! By the way, it’s not just election integrity bills that the Democrats are trying to stop, as reported here: “The other bills Democrats tried to block with this stunt included bills protecting girls from having to compete against biological men in sports, funding the arrests of illegal aliens, reducing abortion, and cracking down on critical race theory propaganda in public schools.”]

The 386 cases that are being investigated come in addition to more than 500 cases that his office has prosecuted, Paxton said, without elaborating on the details of some of the cases.

“Do not believe the narrative because in Texas we are going to fight election fraud,” Paxton said, adding that Republicans would have struggled during election day last year if his office didn’t stop local election officials from breaking rules around balloting.

Referring to claims that voter fraud doesn’t exist—made typically by Democrats—the Republican attorney general described it as a false narrative.


Trump – 865k (58.13%)
Biden – 560k (37.65%)

UT is one of hardest to gage, thanks to poor record keeping (UT registers by party, but not available across counties), the presence of a serious 3rd party challenge in 2016, and Romney’s home state skew. Most accurate comps go back to 2008.

I think UT was a target by central planners – JB has 45k more than Trump ’16; perhaps they anticipated the same 3rd party behavior. DT is 125k past Romney ’12, but Biden’s gains are 250k from Clinton, when previous high gain was Obama ’08 with 87k. Nearly all third party throwaways came from GOP in 2016.

I estimate 131k excess votes. If accurate, and counting ONLY excess JB vote growth, DT should have won this state about 63.7% to 31.6%, or by 32.1%. JB gain in SLC was 114k, previous high was 31k (Obama ’08).

[Translation: Another Red state where the Trump totals were depressed and The Hologram totals were inflated in order to contribute to Biden’s “popular vote victory.”]


  • Here are some excerpts from Seth Keshel’s election analysis of Deep Red Wyoming:

Trump – 193,559 (69.9%)
Biden – 73,491 (26.6%)

First Idaho, Now Wyoming – these two states avoided the simulation of 2020 and give an accurate view of what the true dynamics of the election were. Biden has fewer votes in WY than Obama did in 2008, when he lost the state by 32%.

Contrast this with a vote total in Utah nearly double Obama’s total from 2008, and a very strong vote gain in MT, and you see that WY was not part of the game plan.

Albany County, home to University of Wyoming, is the only one that pings on my yellow list, and perhaps only for about 1,000 votes, enough to flip the county from red to blue, despite a Trump gain and a slight GOP registration edge over the past four years, in a county won by the last two Republican nominees.

A very clean, nice example of another Rocky Mountain state trending in the 2008-12-16 fashion, as predicted by party registration totals.


  • Bombshell! At CPAC 2021 on Sunday, President Trump stated that he had “received a letter from William McSwain, the former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) that former Attorney General Bill Barr prevented the investigation of election fraud post Nov 3rd and prior to the inauguration of Joe Biden.” Here is McSwain’s letterBarr denied the allegation, but when has President Trump been wrong about things that matter?
  • Democrats understand full well that election integrity laws passed in Red states signal political doom for them. Here is one such admission:

“These rules, these restrictive rules that have been put in place in the state are such that it could really cost Democrats seats in the House and the Senate,” [former Democratic House Rep. Donna Edwards] admitted, adding, I mean, “That is how serious it is.”

[Yes, yes, this is common refrain. They would have us believe that ensuring the identity and residency of voters somehow leads to “disenfranchisement” and minority voter suppression when the fact is that election integrity laws ensure that elections are free, fair, and legitimate.]

  • More Democrat anxiety over audits. Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro came unglued when he learned of the intent to audit three PA counties: “We know the truth, and the truth is that Joe Biden won the election here in Pennsylvania by just over 80,000 votes.” If he is certain of that, then auditing three counties will confirm The Hologram’s victory. However, his body language gives him away:

  • “Civil rights leaders” (their self-identification, not mine, which is more like “race hucksters” these days) have some angst about the new election integrity laws, too. They apparently don’t believe their own constituents can obtain proper identification or follow the rules like everyone else (pretty much an insult), so it’s time to “protest in the streets.” Yeah, that’ll work:

Leaders from the NAACP, the National Urban League and the National Action Network said they have plans all summer stretching to August 28, the anniversary of civil rights giant Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington, a date they would gather to protest the GOP-led effort to change election laws in states around the country.

[In short, they’re all-in on perpetuating voter fraud because that preserves Democrat political power in Congress.]

Essentially, PCAPs [packet captures] are recordings of chunks of internet traffic. Each PCAP contains immutable routing and timestamp information in addition to the content (data, code, and information).

Counties are typically divided up into dozens of precincts. The PCAPs were recorded before, during, and after the November 2020 election by white-hat hackers, and they were delivered to Mr Lindell on January 9th.

You don’t even necessarily need to understand what the information is… the fact that someone was successfully communicating with the election machines during the election is in itself alarming… and illegal. The fact that there were white-hat hackers across the US recording the information is a testament to their patriotism.

  • Frank explains some of the reasons for the delayed release of the PCAPs data here (the Democrat-media complex continue to claim the data have already been debunked):

1) Only people with proper skills and training will know how to interpret the PCAPs. The information is volatile, so we want to make sure the job is done right.

2) There is a lot of collaboration and coordination that will be required, learning together, tabulating results, etc.

3) We are establishing quality controls and cross-checking strategies so that we can be confident that the final results are accurate.

4) We are predistributing samples to symposium registrants to qualify them for participation.

5) There are many logistical and security issues to consider. Lots of planning has been taking place, including identification of a suitable venue and reservation of a thousand hotel rooms.

6) There are several legal and chain of custody issues that are in play.

7) As the data are emerging, we may learn things that require careful treatment.

  • Watch this incredible 52-second video to learn the basics of how to steal elections.
  • The 5th Circuit Court is keeping sanctions on top Perkins Coie election lawyer Marc Elias. This tells us two things: the Democrats will do anything to implement and protect election fraud provisions in states, and his conduct must have been truly egregious (criminal?):

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Wednesday it will keep sanctions it levied against lawyer Marc Elias, known for his role in the Russia collusion hoax and other Democrat operations, for his “lack of candor.” Elias ran campaigns to change voting laws and practices to favor Democrats and in 2020 founded Democracy Docket, an organization self-described as “the leading progressive platform dedicated to opinion, advocacy, and information about voting rights, elections, redistricting and democracy.”

  • This article did a good job tying the Democrats’ fear of audits to the events of 6 January and the push to label those questioning the results of the November election as “domestic terrorists.” The Democrats seek to demonize, isolate, and prosecute their political enemies – right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook:

[Then] there is the Democrats’ abject terror of forensic vote audits in battleground states like Arizona (or any states, for that matter). This terror manifests itself as: insisting that mailed-in votes have somehow already been audited (they haven’t); suing to block the audit; demonizing every government official or concerned voter calling for an audit as a “Trump voter,” and, therefore, a QAnon nutcase at best or a “domestic violent extremist” at worst; and threatening states conducting audits or implementing election integrity legislation, as Attorney General Merrick Garland has done with the states of Arizona and Georgia.

  • The Democrat-media complex continues to turn reality inside out with their new narrative that Republican-passed election integrity laws are aimed at “stealing the next election.” This is a pure case of projection (and desperation). They need to look at the evidence of “election irregularities” in 2020, but then what do you expect these days from two Harvard professors?

The greatest threat to American democracy today is not a repeat of January 6, but the possibility of a stolen presidential election. Contemporary democracies that die meet their end at the ballot box, through measures that are nominally constitutional. The looming danger is not that the mob will return; it’s that mainstream Republicans will “legally” overturn an election.

Beyond the acute crisis facing American democracy, however, is a deeper problem: the radicalization of the Republican Party. Unless and until the GOP recommits itself to playing by democratic rules of the game, American democracy will remain at risk. Each national election will feel like a national emergency. Therefore, the de-radicalization of the Republican Party is a central task for the next decade.

[And that, dear reader, is pure and undiluted insanity.]

Key elements of the first federal technology standards for voting equipment in 15 years should be scrapped because language that would have banned the devices from connecting to the internet was dropped after private meetings held with manufacturers, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday. … Voting security experts say the machines will be vulnerable to hacking without such a ban.

  • Here is what The Hologram had to say about new Republican election integrity laws in Pennsylvania on Tuesday: “No other election has ever been held under such scrutiny and high standards. The big lie is just that: a big lie.”

  • The Hologram just can’t help himself: “It’s about who gets to count the votes.” Yep, and precisely why we need audits! BTW, the real reason he gave that speech was to deliver a direct threat that his regime will use the full power of the federal government against anyone in PA who tries to conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election. Batten down the hatches, Republican state senators et al!

  • And here is the execrable White House Press Secretary claiming that “Republican states’ election integrity laws are ‘authoritarian and un-American,’” calling them “‘the worst challenge to our democracy since the Civil War.’” (video available here if you can stand it)
  • US Senator James Lankford (R-OK) is feeling the heat from Oklahoma Republicans for his lack of support for President Trump and election audits. More RINOs need to feel the pain for their inaction!

  • This excellent Twitter thread from Newsmax’s Emerald Robinson takes the RINO GOP establishment to task for their inaction after election irregularities began to be discovered, as well as their complicity with Democrats, the legacy media, and Big Tech: “That’s why the GOP establishment and the RNC have no interest in state audits. They know what Democrats did – because they helped them. How many election lawyers did the RNC send to swing states to fight voter fraud after Election Day? Zero.” The rest of the thread is dynamite:

  • Finally, I just thought I’d throw this in here as one possible reason for the long-pondered but never fully explained Democrat-media denial of massive election fraud evidence that continues to be discovered. Could this have “cracked the case”?

White liberals are more prone to mental health disorders than individuals who identify as conservative or moderates, according to a Pew Research Center survey. Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as “very liberal” or “liberal” have been told by a doctor they have a mental health condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates, the study found. Young White people who identified as “very liberal” were almost one and a half times more likely to report mental health problems than those who considered themselves “liberal.”

[Yep, that explains a LOT, doesn’t it?]

Conclusion. For all the Democrat-media caterwauling and handwringing about how Republican election integrity laws will “take the country back to the days of Jim Crow” by “suppressing the votes of minorities,” Rasmussen polling reminds us that most Americans see right through the Democrat hyperbole: 60% of Americans across all groups think it’s more important that there is no cheating in voting than in making it easier for all Americans to vote:

And besides, the much-beloved Hillary Clinton told us that elections are vulnerable and voting machines are linked to the internet during a 2018 speech (view her in action – after a fashion – here). Surely she supports audits to “true the vote” now, doesn’t she?

Yes, the Democrat hypocrisies know no bounds.

The end. (Whew!)