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Perpetual hysteric says it’s all hysteria

Stop being hysterical, says the chick who 
once said Ted Cruz tried to murder her.

With murder rates skyrocketing in Democrat-run cities, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants people to stop being so damn hysterical. It isn’t a big deal, don’t you know. It’s just over-the-top hype. And if anyone would know about performative hysteria and over-the-top hype, it’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

She of the “Ted Cruz tried to have me murdered while I hid in a completely separate building far from the mob” can’t believe you dopes are getting all worked up about so-called “rising crime rates” that aren’t really rising, even though they really are rising, and what’s with all the hysteria?

According to the House’s resident drama queen, the spike in violent crime is just an “idea.”

You know, like Antifa is just an idea.

It isn’t real, says the chick who truly does believe “armed” “white supremacists” launched an “insurrection” to “overthrow our democracy.”

It’s just hype and hysteria, says the chick constantly screeching that we only have ten years before the entire planet burns to a crisp.

In related news, over the weekend, over sixty people were shot in the city of Chicago.

But don’t give in to the hysteria! It isn’t a big deal. Like, you know?!

I wonder how the folks in her district feel about being accused of hysteria by their perpetually hysterical representative.

The same representative that staged a Congressional Struggle Session where members of the House could relive those traumatic moments of January 6 – including members who were nowhere near the Capitol – while ginning up hysteria over a bunch of dopes wandering around snapping selfies.

The same hysteric who claimed that hiding in a completely separate building during a riot that lasted three hours is like serving in war is dismissing the actual trauma of living in violent cities as nothing but hysteria.

Speaking of serving.

On Sunday afternoon a 21-year-old Marine was shot dead in Times Square when a stray bullet from a nearby shooting ricocheted and struck him in the back. He was there visiting New York City with his family, and now he’s dead.

I dare Ocasio-Cortez to tell his young widow that New York’s rising crime is nothing but hysteria.

Tell this Marine’s widow that the horrifying spike in violent crime that left her without a husband is just an “idea.”

This gibbering fool is so steeped in the Progressive religion that she no longer exists in the real world. While those who do live in the real world are paying a steep price for the blind ignorance and denial of idiots like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.