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The Artificial President’s Artificial Popularity

None of what you see is real.

We already know Joe Biden is an artificial president. The only people who actually believe Biden is the one in charge of the Biden Administration probably think a mouse named Chuck is really in charge of Chuck E. Cheese.

Biden is a figurehead – a double-masked, ludicrous, barely there figurehead pretending to be president while unnamed, unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats run the country.

And when you have an artificial president, it becomes necessary for the media to generate some artificial popularity.

We’ve been told that Joe Biden received over 80 million votes in the 2020 election, but every time Joe appears in public or gives a televised speech, the audience size is, let’s just say, unimpressive.

Take Artificial President Joe’s first address to Congress. CBS News worked a little magic to give the impression that this speech was wildly popular. According to their polling, 85% of those who watched approved of his speech.

But then you drill down and find out just how artificial that poll is.

The CBS News poll was drawn from a sample of 943 viewers – 54% of them Democrats, 25% Independents, and only 18% Republicans.

Of course, there are slack-jawed dummies who will fall for this cravenly dishonest poll.

Rob Reiner on artificial poll

“Let the majority rule.” 85% of 943 people is “the majority” of Americans? Only if the US population is about the size of Hooterville. Good grief. What a halfwit.

Yesterday evening Nielsen revealed the final estimate for viewership of Artificial President Joe’s speech.

26.94 million viewers across 16 networks.

By contrast, President Trump won with just under 63 million votes, and his first address to Congress was watched by 47.7 million people. But the guy who got 80 million votes could only cobble together 26.94 million viewers? Seems a bit off, doesn’t it?

Joe supposedly got more votes than Barack Obama in 2008. 52.4 million people tuned in for Obama’s first address to Congress. How is it the guy who beat Obama’s vote totals couldn’t also beat his ratings?

None of what you see is real.

It’s all artificial. All of it.

Joe Biden isn’t popular. He doesn’t have “the majority” behind him.

The Democrats hold the merest majority in the House and are tied with the Republicans in the Senate.

Yet this non-entity held afloat by completely artificial, media-created popularity is radically altering the country at breakneck speed. He has, in his first 100 days, proposed spending of over six trillion dollars because Artificial President Biden claims he has a “mandate.”

It would be laughable if the consequences weren’t so dire.

This isn’t government of, by and for the people.

This isn’t government that is deriving its power from the consent of the governed.

The artificial popularity of this artificial President is all fake.

But the harm to us as a people and a nation is all very, very real.