Pudding Brain Joe versus the Teleprompter

Joe Biden’s internal polling must be really, really bad. Because yesterday the CDC suddenly changed direction and announced that everyone who is fully vaccinated will no longer have to wear a mask. All so Pudding Brain Biden could take a victory lap in the Rose Garden – not to mention giving him a big old distraction from the mess he’s making of everything else.
It’s like Biden Administration’s version of bombing an aspirin factory.
Have you seen any clips from his Rose Garden speech?
Try as he might, Pudding Brain is having a heck of a time getting that last working synapse of his to cooperate.
Even reading off a teleprompter is too much for old Pudding Brain.
Screen says “Vaxxed.”
Pudding Brain says “Vax ed.”
This is also from yesterday:
Sure, it might seem like we have a sawdust-stuffed marlin head as a President. But fear not, folks. Everything is fine here. Nothing to worry about.
But, but, but IT’S A STUTTER!!!!
I think we’re zeroing in on why Joe keeps saying he’ll “get in trouble” if he answers questions from the press.
If his pudding brain misfires when reading words off a teleprompter, is it any wonder they don’t want him giving off-the-cuff answers to reporters?
It would be all smoke and sparks, then a pathetic whirring noise followed by a sputtering sizzle.
Watch those two video clips again.
If you want to know the truth, I pity old Pudding Brain Joe. Nobody suffering from dementia should be put through this.
Like I said over a year ago, this is elder abuse.
And his handlers, his staff – even his own wife – don’t give a damn that their not-all-there figurehead is coming apart at the seams.
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