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Governor “Follow the Science” refuses to comply with the CDC

All during the Wuhan Panic, if there was one thing 
Andrew Cuomo wanted you to know, it’s that we must

All during the Wuhan Panic, if there was one thing Andrew Cuomo wanted you to know, it’s that we must “follow the science.”

Well, that was then.

Despite the CDC announcing what everyone with half a brain already knew, namely, that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks, Governor “Follow the Science” is now refusing the follow the science.

According to the New York Post, Cuomo won’t ease up on New York’s insane masking requirements.

What a science denier.

“In New York,” said Governor Sh*t-for-Brains, “we have always relied on the facts and the science to guide us throughout the worst of this pandemic and in our successful reopening.” [Insert eyeroll here]

Except, of course, when the “science” and “facts” mean giving up some of his unlimited power. Then Governor “Follow the Science” changes his mind.

Instead of following the CDC, Governor “Follow the Science” is going to have his Commissioner of Health Howard Zucker review the new CDC guidelines and make a determination.

The same Howard Zucker whose health department ordered COVID positive seniors into nursing homes then cooked the books to cover up how many actually died.

I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t instill much confidence in Cuomo’s judgment.

Not that I had much confidence in Cuomo’s judgment to begin with.

Cuomo doesn’t “follow the science” at all. He never has.

The Wuhan Panic handed Cuomo more dictatorial power than he could’ve possibly imagined (and I’m thinking Il Douche has a vivid imagination when it comes to dictatorial power). There is no way in hell he will give that up without a fight.

And given the fact that he survived not one but two very damning scandals, I’m guessing he’s feeling immune to any negative blowback that might result from his refusal to rescind his onerous and overbearing mask mandate.