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Maxine Waters Demands Guilty Verdict in Derek Chauvin Trial, OR ELSE Violent Confrontation In The Streets

82-year-old Maxine Waters is one of the most vitriolic racial antagonizers in the nation.  During the George Zimmerman trial Maxine Waters demanded a guilty verdict.  During the investigation of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson she demanded a murder indictment based on the demonstrably false “hands-up, don’t shoot” claims.  After the 2016 election Waters demanded that people physically confront Trump officials in restaurants and gas stations, “get up in their faces” and make them uncomfortable; in short, Maxine Waters consistently demands political violence.

There is zero doubt in my mind that Obama’s crew of racial antagonists are orchestrating and manipulating events around the trial of Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd.  All political arrows are being deployed from the quiver of racial hate and division.  Even the racially driven comments by Meghan Markle on the eve of the trial beginning were not random.   The activated political leftists are once again drum-beating for violent confrontation.

Following her pattern, the California representative traveled to Minnesota’s riot-plagued Brooklyn Center last night and called for people to get even “more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin is acquitted. She is blatantly endorsing political violence and mob anarchy. “We’re looking for a guilty verdict” she said, adding “If we don’t, we cannot go away, we’ve got to get more confrontational.” WATCH: