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Low IQ Maxine is inciting a riot . . . again

This reckless moron should be expelled from Congress.

Say, remember back in January when Maxine Waters voted to impeach President Trump (again) for allegedly inciting the riot at the Capitol on January 6?

Well, apparently inciting a riot is okay when Maxine does it.

Yesterday, the California Congresswoman who doesn’t live in the district she supposedly represents flew to Minnesota, a state she does not represent, to urge rioters to kick the looting, vandalism and violence to Spinal Tap 11 if Derek Chauvin isn’t found guilty for the death of George Floyd.

“We’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active,” said the dimwitted idiot who can’t stop ginning up violence. “We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”

Now, this isn’t the first time this mindless wretch incited a riot.

She did the same damn thing in Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict.

And of course, there was that infamous video of Maxine urging people to “create a crowd” and mob members of the Trump Administration.

Democrats in Congress demanded that Republicans who challenged the certification of electors be expelled from Congress. They claimed, without a shred of evidence, that those Republicans “incited” the people who entered the Capitol on January 6.

But not one Democrat is going to demand Low IQ Maxine be stripped of her committee assignments let alone demand she be expelled from Congress for openly inciting a riot in Minnesota.

We have an alleged “lawmaker” saying that if Chauvin is acquitted by a jury of his peers that “we are not going to be satisfied unless we get justice in these cases.”

Well, getting acquitted by a jury of your peers is justice.

It’s the “Justice System” not the “Vengeance System.”

You want to talk about “Jim Crow.” Then let’s talk about Jim Crow. What Low IQ Maxine is calling for is mob retaliation against an accused. That’s exactly what happened in the Jim Crow South. An accusation alone was enough to get you grabbed off the street and hung from a tree.

And here we are again, back to the Jim Crow South.

Then again, like I always say, there’s nothing “progressive” about so-called Progressives. Everything they advocate for takes us backwards.

The only “justice” Maxine demands is mob justice. This wretched, reckless fool has no business serving in the House of Representatives.

Hat tip Fox News.