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It's Not Enough To Be Passively Anti-Leftist.... RESIST


1. Every time I want to get out of this culturally Marxist fight.... they keep dragging me (and our nation) back in.ImageImage
2. Fine.... !

No currently known individual/group has more background information on the origin of this ideological effort than a crew of rag tag misfits that deconstructed and exposed the Chicago Crew's objectives in the past decade.Image
3. In full transparency, we knew this would happen, AGAIN. It is, quite simply, their playbook.Image
4. This is sociopathic level political manipulation by the Obama Chicago crew; the real team behind the administration. Continuing to push the ‘anger games’ in the United States is an ongoing effort of the Obama-minded leftists and communist activist groups who support them. 
5. From the moment representative James Clyburn aligned his AME church network with Barack Obama’s Chicago machine there was a strategy at work.ImageImageImage
6. If the JoeBama administration wants to return, yet again, to the strategy and approach they used in 2012 through 2016, then I will go back into that matrix and expose the entire construct soup-to-nuts.Image
7. Clyburn used the old-fashioned racial playbook through the AME church network. The AME network includes Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Meanwhile Obama historically used the modern race-based network: the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party. 
8. Now the two factions have aligned in common cause with the outcropping of Tom Perez's former construct "The Dream Defenders". The new alignment, same ideology, is rebranded within Black Lives Matter!Image
9. Tom Perez (current DNC Chair) was the head of the DOJ Civil Rights Division… which is not coincidental because the election of 2020 was an example of a time when both networks merged upon, and activated, the Black Lives Matter crowd.Image
10. The first time they merged was in Orlando and Miami during the 2012 “Justice for Trayvon” movement.ImageImageImage
11. The newly blended Black Lives Matter network had their first heavy visibility with the “Justice for Mike Brown” movement that destroyed Ferguson, Missouri.Image
12. After Mike Brown pretense collapsed the BLM group moved to Baltimore to exploit the false narrative surroundin the death of Freddie Gray.

Baltimore was set ablaze by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake who famously said it was important to give the riot crowd “space to destroy”Image
13. The BLM team has been reactivated back onto the streets to create the Alinsky inspired chaos. Meanwhile the AME team (including Congressional Black Caucus) advocate for Joe Biden policy which is structurally Barack Obama 2.0... Hence:Image
14. Obama doesn’t care so long as the larger goals are achieved. Advance radical leftist policies, destroy the American capitalistic system and fundamentally change the United States by diminishing it,.... cont. 
15. ...while simultaneously keeping all the wealth under the control of an elite group of aligned interests.

That’s the longer term JoeBama goal.

[Please notice how many 'people of color' are represented. They don't care about "black lives". It's all just a strategic con.]Image
16. What people do speaks so loudly you should not hear a word they are saying....

...And once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never go back to that time when you did not see them. It really is that simple.