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Eric Holder 2.0 Announces DOJ Investigation of Minneapolis Police to Initiate Federal Consent Decree

The term “JoeBama” is not a meme… It is a REALITY.

Those behind the scene are using the Biden administration as an extension of the third term of Barack Obama.  Same people; same policies; same agenda, and same exact goals.   As a consequence U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is duplicating the exact same policy directives as former DOJ Attorney General Eric Holder.  The people in place are identical; the actions they take are identical; the purpose of their activity is identical.  The DOJ is politically weaponized to achieve ideological goals.

The most recent example of the synergy happens today with AG Garland announcing a DOJ civil rights investigation into the Minneapolis police department.  Cut to the chase, the result of the investigation will be another municipal authority placed under a federal consent decree.  THAT will happen, the investigation to justify the consent decree is a farse.  This is JoeBama and the Chicago team replicating the same process.

“Attorney General Merrick Garland today announced a new investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department and City of Minneapolis for possible pattern and practice unconstitutional actions. This investigation is not related to the already announced investigation into the murder of George Floyd, but is instead examining the entire department for continuous misconduct.”