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The Healthy Joe optics take a tumble

Clearly the White House was stung by
 Putin’s backhanded dig about Joe’s health. 
So they let the old man bound up the stairs 
like a half-grown puppy. It backfired.

Misery Biden - Healthy Joe

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

So Putin decides to make a backhanded remark about Joe Biden’s declining health, and what does the White House do? They decide to stage a little Healthy Joe optics this morning and it all goes horribly wrong.

Now, I confess, the first dozen times I watched this clip, I laughed.

What can I say? I’m a fan of slapstick.

Say, you want to hear something mind-bogglingly ironic?

Six years ago this very day, March 19, 2015, I did a post called “Whoopsie” that had video of Michelle Obama tripping and nearly lumbering into the diminutive Emperor of Japan.

I watched that about a dozen times too. And laughed. A lot.

What is it about March 19th?


Let me tell you what I think the White House was hoping to accomplish here.

Stung by China’s treatment of Secretary of State Blinken and Putin’s not-so-subtle dig about old Joe’s health, the White House decided to use the opportunity of Biden boarding Air Force One for a little Healthy Joe optics.

Despite the fact that the man can barely amble in a straight line on a completely flat surface, his staff urged old Joe to trot up those stairs like Rocky on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

After all, as I said this morning, the whole world is watching. So they wanted to treat the whole world to some Healthy Joe Optics to give the impression that grandpa isn’t the doddering, barely-there coot Russia and China know he is.

So there he was on the tarmac ready to have his moment in the spotlight – Healthy Joe in command and effortlessly trotting up those stairs.

But reality doesn’t always cooperate with staged optics.

And old Joe goes down – not once, not twice, but three times.

The Healthy Joe optics take a tumble

Man, that last one had to hurt.

You know how I know this was a staged moment?

Because nobody, not one person, went up to make sure the President of the United States was okay – not even the Secret Service whose job it is to keep him safe.

Well, of course not.

Sending someone up to make sure grandpa wasn’t hurt would have done even more damage to the Healthy Joe Optics than the triple stumble did. So they let the old boobie struggle to find his footing on his own.

The other reason I know it was staged is because every single time Joe Biden emerges from hiding, everything is staged down the very last detail. They never leave anything to chance.

Believe me it was a conscious decision to send Joe up there like Rocky. They wanted Healthy Joe — the Joe who bombastically threatens to take people out behind the gym and give’em a knuckle sandwich.

Joe didn’t need to trot up those stairs like he’s the high school quarterback on his way to the championship. He could’ve held onto the railing and walked up like any other mature adult and nobody would’ve cared.

But that wouldn’t have signaled vim and vigor. So they made him bound up the stairs like a half-grown puppy.

The idiots.

And in their haste to stage a “I’ll show you healthy and mentally sound, Vlad!” photo-op, the Biden White House only succeeded in shining a gigantic Klieg light on the fact that Joe is demonstrably not healthy nor sound.

Great work, Team!