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Could Joe’s cognitive troubles be rabies?

Since I joked about Cujo Cujoe in the previous post, I figured I’d make a Cujoe movie poster.

Why not, right?

I’m trying to imagine how the press would react if President Trump had to banish a biting dog from the White House.

Holy mackerel, they’d be apoplectic with rage.

As it is when President Trump invited the dog who took down al Baghdadi, the press corps were beside themselves.

“How dare Trump bring a dog trained to kill into the White House?! Oh, the HUMANITY!!!”

Who knew that dog was better behaved than the Biden family pet?

Then again, the servicemen who take of Conan the ISIS-killer probably don’t chase the poor thing and pull its tail while naked from the shower.


As I said in the previous post, dogs take on a lot of their master’s traits. And we all know CuJoe Biden is a biter.

Now, the White House is claiming that CuJoe Junior will not remain in exile in Delaware for long. Of course, they’re also not flat-out admitting he got banished for biting someone either.

Yes, the lack of transparency is troubling. But the fact that there’s a “First Dogs Beat” troubles me more.

I know. All the news going on and I can’t let go of this story.

What can I say? I’m like a dog with a bone — or Cujoe Biden with Jill’s fingers.

How long before old demented Cujoe loses what’s left of his marbles and Jill is forced to seek safety in a stalled out Pinto?