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Dude. Biden nominates PA Grandma Killer to HHS

Why would Team Biden select a dude with that kind of track record for death? Because the dude thinks he’s a lady. That’s why.

Pediatrician Richard Levine, the dude in a dress who serves as Secretary of Health for Pennsylvania has been nominated by Team Biden to serve as assistant secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Levine, who insists on going by Rachel, ordered COVID positive seniors into nursing homes which, as it did in New York State, led to deadly results.

At the same time he ordered COVID patients into nursing homes, Dick … (can I call him Dick? Or is it too late for that?). Anyroad. … Dick had the presence of mind to remove his own mother from her nursing home to keep her from sharing that fate.

Funny how that works.

So why would Team Biden select a dude with that kind of track record for death? Because the dude thinks he’s a lady. That’s why.

Naturally the Biden sycophants in the media are clapping like seals over the “historic” pick.

Calling yourself Rachel and wearing dresses covers a multitude of manslaughter.

In his statement, Biden praised Richard’s historic historicness.

Biden said of the dude responsible for sending seniors to their death, “She is a historic and deeply qualified choice.”

Deeply qualified, don’t you know.

Not kinda qualified. Not pretty qualified. Not even plain old qualified. Nope. “Deeply qualified.”

A “deeply qualified” physician would know that there are two sexes – male and female – and growing out your hair, wearing dresses and slapping on make-up doesn’t change you from one to the other.

A “deeply qualified” physician wouldn’t stick COVID positive patients into nursing homes filled with residents most at risk of contracting COVID.

If someone who ordered thousands of seniors to die of COVID in nursing homes is what Joe Biden considers “deeply qualified,” what does that say about Joe Biden’s idea of “Health and Human Services?”

This is the problem with choosing cabinet-level positions not based on qualifications, but on Identity Politics.

This dude wasn’t chosen because he’s “deeply qualified” to be in charge of “health” or “human services.” His only qualification is giving Joe Biden the chance to say “Look, everyone! I picked a TRANSGENDER!!! I’m historic!!!”

I’d love to say that Senate Republicans will shred this dude to ribbons over his grandma-killing policy. But I doubt they will.

Senate Republicans are far too worried about how the media will treat them. And heaven forbid they risk being called “transphobic.”

(Which, of course, was the claim Levine made when he was attacked for killing so many seniors.)

On the plus side, with Levine gone, Pennsylvania’s remaining seniors might make it through the COVID pandemic alive.

The future of the rest of the country? Well, let’s just say we’ll be transitioning into something we were never created to be.