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What is America's Greatest Threat?

America’s greatest threats are 1) China & 2) the denigration of American Exceptionalism.

The China threat is clear.

The latter less so. Let me explain.

We used to understand that American Exceptionalism was a recognition of our heroic past and an acknowledgement of the dark days that sometimes seeded it.

It was a commitment to thus learn & grow, using facts & reason to create a more perfect Union. Together.
Out of many, one.
The modern Left is waging war on that idea.

As best summarized by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, they believe that “America was never that great.”

This wasn’t a flippant statement. Theirs is a calculated stand, an unyielding attempt to reshape the national zeitgeist into hating itself.Image
We saw an explosion of that Leftist effort this past summer.

“Tear down the monuments and statues! America is awful!” they screamed.

When reasonable people objected, the Leftist response was alarmingly honest: We don’t care, burn it all down.Image
The goal of Cuomo, Pelosi & other Leftists is simple: revolution.

If they can convince people that America is irredeemable, then so too are our political & economic systems.

What in their place? AOC & Co are pretty clear.

Socialist Govt, and a loss of freedom for “equality.”Image

Successful Revolutionaries need two things: a boogeyman & a pliable press.

American Leftists have defined the boogeymen: whites, males, the religious, & capitalists.

And they’ve forced press outlets into submission via infiltration, bullying, & greed.

They’re making progress.ImageImage
The question now remains:

How do we stop these twin threats?

The Chinese Govt is actually manageable.

From smart diplomacy to America First economics to covert action, we can manage these thugs like the Soviets.

(Ain’t gonna be with Joe “not bad folks, folks” Biden, btw)Image
But the Leftists?

They‘re a far greater threat, one that will define the fight of our nat’l politics for a generation.

We only tasted it during the Trump era, which embraced American Exceptionalism.

So get ready to fight, Patriots.

Because if we lose, the Republic is lost.Image