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Does AOC think America is Downton Abbey?

Either AOC has been watching too much Downton Abbey 
or she’s never met a Republican in her life.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to be under the mistaken impression that Republicans are all wealthy aristocrats who live on posh estates getting waited on by the servants. They’ve never had to work a day in their lives. Instead, they are wealthy, entitled swells who can’t get ready for dinner unless a servant dresses them. Either AOC has been watching too much Downton Abbey or she’s never met a Republican in her life.

Yes, Republicans all look down their noses at AOC because she briefly worked as a bartender. It has nothing to do with her startling arrogance and mind-numbing ignorance.

Why just this morning, as my maid was helping me dress for breakfast, I told her women who tend bar are no better than a common bawd.

She nodded quietly and said, “Yes, M’Lady” before taking my night clothes away for Laundress to wash.

Does this dimwit really believe that life in America is Downton Abbey?

Does she think every Republican in the country lives like the Earl of Grantham while every Democrat skivvies and scrapes in the kitchens of the manor house?

President Trump received overwhelming support from working class voters. The Republican Party of the 21st Century is the party of Americans who work for a living — in manufacturing, farming, mining, fracking, and trucking. They start their own small businesses including restaurants and bars. They enlist in the military and fight our wars.

Yet this silly little fool stereotypes all Republicans as extras from a Downton Abbey ball – dressed in their finery and looking down their noses at those who work in service.

As an aside, can you tell I’m watching Downton Abbey? I never saw it before and started watching it last week, and I love it. I especially love the Dowager Countess of Grantham played by Maggie Smith. I confess, I’d love to see what the Dowager Countess would make of AOC.

Does AOC think America is Downton Abbey?

Meanwhile, the very wealthy and privileged in America overwhelmingly support the Democrat Party. The billionaires of Silicon Valley and Wall Street were Joe Biden’s most faithful donors. Donald Trump and the Republicans weren’t raising money from folks with second homes in the Hamptons, Aspen or Martha’s Vineyard.

But since when do facts and real life enter into AOC’s thinking?

Do you think AOC takes the subway to campaign events in her district? Of course not. She has a driver take her there. And who on Downton Abbey employed a driver?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loves to play the Victim. For her working for a living is a sign of victimhood. But in her mind, the only way that can work is to claim that Republicans never tend bar or wait tables or get their hands dirty or struggle to live paycheck to paycheck.

But that isn’t real life. America isn’t Downton Abbey.

And Alexandria isn’t a victim of anything but her own ignorance.