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Did I step through the Looking Glass?

I found myself agreeing with AOC.

Yesterday I found myself agreeing with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Did I wake up in the Twilight Zone? Or did I step through the looking glass?

In response to Congress being given just a few hours to review the massive 5000+ page “stimulus” and COVID relief bill, AOC tweeted this:

If you’re jaw is on the floor, welcome my friend. You too stepped through the looking glass!

Later in the evening, AOC hit on something I’ve been saying for years when, in response to a Hollywood Reporter article that the COVID relief bill would make illegal streaming a felony, AOC said:

This is why Congress needs time to actually read this package before voting on it.

Members of Congress have not read this bill. It’s over 5000 pages, arrived at 2pm today, and we are told to expect a vote on it in 2 hours.

This isn’t governance. It’s hostage-taking.

And by the way, it’s not just members who need to see the bill ahead of time – YOU do.

The PUBLIC needs to see these bills w enough time to contact their rep to let them know how they feel.

Members are reeling right now bc they don’t have time to consult w/ their communities.

I mean, wow. Out of the mouths of boobs.

If we’ve stepped through the looking glass does that make AOC the red queen?

For years conservatives have been raising the alarm about massive, omnibus spending bills nobody in Congress can reasonably be expected to read before voting. The people’s representatives are not thoughtful and wise stewards of our money anymore (if they ever were). And when you consider just how economically-devastated Americans are right now thanks to the inept pandemic response from governors and mayors, now isn’t the time to go on a wild, 5000-page spending spree with our money.

You can understand my shock that AOC appears to understand that this isn’t how our Representatives should be legislating.

Frankly the last person I expected to join the chorus of voices against this practice is a far-Left Democrat like Tweedledum-dum.

But my journey through the looking glass didn’t last long. It came to an abrupt end just hours later when I learned that AOC was among the 359 members of the House to vote in favor of this monstrosity.

Of the 53 House members to vote no, only two were Democrats – Rashida Tlaib and Tulsi Gabbard.

Turns out AOC’s apparent moment of clarity wasn’t so much a principled stand as it was smoke and mirrors.

Lawmakers aren’t the ones who write our “laws” anymore. This task is outsourced to lobbyists and special interest groups who always make sure their clients and special interests are taken care of in the legislation they write.

We pay these legislators over a hundred and seventy four thousand dollar a year.  They have one primary job and they outsource it.

This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be.

We’re being played for chumps.

Now that I think about it, perhaps it’s this broken, insane, backwards system that’s on the other side of the looking glass.

And it’s long past time for us to find our way out before we bankrupt the country.