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On Sidney Powell, Fraud and Speculation

Whelp. I guess nobody listened to my friendly advice.

You’ve probably noticed that I have not written anything about the legal challenges over the election results. I haven’t posted any of the allegations made by Sidney Powell. Nor have I engaged in the breathless speculation that flies around like bats at a number of conservative websites.

The reason is simple, and it goes back to the friendly advice I gave you two days after the election – advice that comes from Michael Corleone:

Never let anyone know what you’re thinking.

What’s happening right now isn’t just unfair, it is criminal. We are watching in real time an effort to undermine our free and fair elections. The fraud and cheating is so in your face, it’s impossible to ignore.

Sure, we could take the ResistanceLOL route and try to burn the whole place down while we scream helplessly at the sky and voice every enraged thought that goes stomping through our heads.

Or we can play it cool as a Corleone.

We knew what we were up against before the election. We knew the media and big tech would place a thumb on the scale. And we knew the Democrat machines in blue cities would exploit the push for mail-in ballots in order to cheat.

The Trump campaign knew it as well — which is why lawyers were deployed before the polls even closed.

I’m not saying don’t be angry. Be angry. But be smart. Never let anyone know what you’re thinking. Don’t give them ammunition; instead, keep your powder dry.

Clearly this advice fell on deaf ears. Or perhaps it just got drowned out by all the angry histrionics. Whatever the case, far too many have chosen the scream helplessly at the sky route while voicing every enraged thought that goes stomping through their heads.

At this point, I might be the only one who chose to play it cool as a Corleone.

But here we are.

Wild speculation abounds and several things that shouldn’t have happened have happened.

A media that is already determined to discredit any talk of election fraud is using all the wild speculation from everyone who didn’t keep it close to the vest as “proof” that this is nothing more than an unhinged conspiracy theory.

This has been compounded by heavily-monetized conservative sites landing on every allegation and speculation for use as click-bait. That’s their business model after all: find the thing everyone is upset about; do tons of breathless posts about it to bait those upset people to your site in order to cash in on their anger.

The media carpet-bombing campaign launched by Sidney Powell has made her the lightning rod the media can zero in on to dismiss and scoff at voter fraud allegations.

Peacetime conservatives, not known for their steely spines, are distancing themselves from Powell over their concern at being lumped in with the one the media is vilifying as “crazy” or a “conspiracy theorist.”

At this point, the whole thing is spiraling out of control.

The media has cast Sidney Powell as a fraud while skittish peacetime conservatives, running headlong away from the noise for fear the media think poorly of them, have labeled her a grifter.

I don’t know if Sidney Powell is a fraud or not.

And while it’s indisputable that every movement gathers grifters to it like barnacles on the hull of a ship, I have no proof that Powell is one of them.

I understand the desire to defend Sidney Powell. Too many on the right have been excoriated and defamed by our garbage media. And now they’re going after Powell. That’s bound to make us want to rally behind her.

But lost in all this noise is the fact that cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and Atlanta exploited the weaknesses inherent in vote-by-mail in order to cheat.

It’s all getting overshadowed by the latest Sidney Powell interview or the breathless speculation on social media — not to mention the chorus of angry Trump supporters bellowing “Release the Kraken!”

This is exactly what I knew would happen if we didn’t keep it cool. And it is one of those times I wish to God I had been wrong.

We should’ve all stayed as cool as a Corleone. Instead, too many of us took the ResistanceLOL route.

At this point, if someone starts selling Sidney Powell prayer candles, it won’t surprise me in the least.

We’ve gotten so far over our skis on this, and after the four years we’ve had, I can’t help but be disappointed that so many haven’t learned a damn thing.

How many times have we been burned over the last four years? Remember Huber? Remember how Barr and Durham were going to bring the hammer down?

And yet, with the naïveté of Charlie Brown, Trump supporters are rushing toward the football hoping this time Lucy will let them kick it.

All of this could’ve been played close to the vest. It could’ve unfolded like Michael Corleone’s masterstroke slaughter of the Five Families – all at once and with no warning.

Instead it’s an enormous cluster of wild speculation, endless TV hits promising BIG, BREAKING, UNBELIEVABLE, SCANDALOUS soon-to-be-revealed “proof,” and teasing, click-baity tweets.

Imagine where we’d be today if we all just kept our cool, let things play out, and resisted the urge to chase every claim down the rabbit hole.

For one thing, we would’ve deprived the media of ammunition to use against us. If all of this was kept close to the vest, the only people engaging in wild speculation and breathless rumor would be the media.

Instead, we’ve given them the perfect defense against very valid claims of voter fraud.

When I offered that friendly advice back on November 5th, I wrote:

Never let anyone know what you’re thinking. This gives your enemy far too much power over you.

Had the ResistanceLOL played it as cool as Corleone for the last four years, I’m thinking this election would have gone very differently. Biden would’ve secured an indisputable victory on Tuesday, the Democrat majority in the House would have expanded further, and Chuck Schumer would be the new Senate Majority Leader.

But the ResistanceLOL didn’t have the cold calculation of the Corleones. They let their opponents know exactly what they were thinking — every day and at maximum, unhinged volume.

They wore their hatred and derangement like a red Handmaid cloak for the world to see.

As a result, Tuesday normal Americans rejected their brand of crazy and chiseled away at the House majority, held the Senate and prevented Biden from capturing a landslide victory.

In the end, the ResistanceLOL was its own worst enemy.

Is this our fate now? Will all this insanity we’ve unleashed make us our own worst enemy too? Will we destroy any chance of addressing and correcting the targeted voter fraud because we couldn’t keep our heads?

I can’t answer that.

But I do know that a lot of what’s happened over the last three weeks isn’t going to make things easier — which is exactly why I wanted us to avoid doing it.

And only time will tell if we screwed ourselves over by indulging in it.