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Playing Pretend: Biden’s Imaginary Supporters

Maybe Team Biden should take a page out of the MLB’s playbook and set up cardboard people. Because this is just pathetic.

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

On Tuesday when Joe Biden landed in Florida for his virtually empty Hispandering campaign event, he descended the stairs of the plane waving and pointing to his many supporters who came to greet him.  Okay, just kidding. Joe was playing pretend, and the supporters were imaginary.

Here’s the clip. Notice how he acts here – as if, like with Trump, a huge crowd has assembled to cheer for him.

Maybe Team Biden should take a page out of the MLB’s playbook and set up cardboard people. Because this is just pathetic.

Joe Biden isn’t actually running for President; he’s just playing pretend.

Imaginary supporters, imaginary enthusiasm, imaginary candidate.

Honestly, it is the most uniquely pathetic major-party presidential campaign in the history of the country.

Now, to be fair, I’m thinking Joe planned the “point and wave at the crowd” moment before the plane door even opened. And since he lacks the ability to roll with the punches, he just went ahead with the pointing and waving as if the crowd he anticipated was actually there.

When you have dementia playing pretend is probably a foregone conclusion.

His wife, on the other hand, has no such excuse.

Yesterday DOCTOR Jill and MISTER Kamala Harris stood on a suburban street waving to a “parade” of Biden-supporting cars. And by “parade” I mean, three measly vehicles.

Are you kidding with this? Talk about playing pretend.

He should’ve added a third beep to his tweet — one for each car present.

This isn’t video from someone laughing at the Biden campaign. Michael LaRosa is DOCTOR Jill’s traveling press secretary. Because of course DOCTOR Jill has a traveling press secretary.

He actually thinks this is a good look.

Take that Trump Boat Parades! BEEP! BEEP!

Three pathetic cars drive by while these two yutzes wave like they’re standing before a sea of people. Watch that video. There are more members of the press in attendance than Biden voters.

Okay, to be fair, the members of the press in attendance are also Biden voters. But you know what I mean.

Three cars is not a parade. There are driveways on my street with more cars in them.

But the Biden campaign is playing pretend. This so-called “parade of cars” was a photo-op staged for the benefit of the coterie of news photographers on scene. I’m sure each and every picture was carefully framed to create the illusion that DOCTOR Jill and MISTER Kamala were greeting a never-ending stream of vehicles instead of the pathetic three that turned up.

It was playing pretend for the benefit of photographs.

Then this dunce of a “press secretary” for DOCTOR Jill totally ruined it by posting this pathetic video.

There just isn’t grassroots excitement for the Democrat ticket.

Even Joe’s big event for Florida Hispanics was playing pretend.

One look at that “crowd” and I can understand why there was no raucous response to old Joe playing “Despacito” on his iPhone. The “crowd” at that event was about as crowd-like as the “crowd” old Joe waved and pointed to while deplaning.

They’re playing pretend.

I thought Hillary’s campaign team was awful. But Biden’s team puts them to shame. Which is stunning when you consider that at least 60% of Hillary’s campaign team is now Biden’s campaign team.

Who knew Hillary’s “crowds” of a couple hundred people would seem big league compared to Biden and his imaginary supporters?

I’d feel sorry for old Joe and his grasping wife, but really? I don’t.

In fact, watching his vainglorious Missus waving at three pathetic cars while her “press secretary” brags about a “parade” of supporters is so much Schadenfreude I think I might bust.