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Democrat Mayor Hid COVID-19 Data To Intentionally Inflict Economic Hardship on Bars and Restaurants

 posted by sundance at conservative treehouse

While the background story of data manipulation to intentionally inflict economic damage is stunning, the severity of the position of Nashville Democrat Mayor John Cooper is actually not a surprise.

It must be remembered this is the same Nashville Mayor who created COVID-19 internment camps to forcibly detain people in a quarantine camp at a fairground.  When one person jumped the fence to escape the police hunted him down and Nashville authorities charged him with “escaping a penal institution.”  COVID-19 was criminalized.

Two months after the internment camp incident a non-domiciled Nashville citizen named Joseph Bryant (61) was arrested for refusing to wear a face mask outside. His bail was set at $500 and he was incarcerated for not wearing a face mask.   So it doesn’t come as a complete surprise to discover the same officials hid data showing low COVID-19 infection rates in order to inflict the maximum amount of economic pain on business owners.

[Source Article With Details]

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — The coronavirus cases on lower Broadway may have been so low that the mayor’s office and the Metro Health Department decided to keep it secret.

Emails between the mayor’s senior advisor and the health department reveal only a partial picture. But what they reveal is disturbing.

The discussion involves the low number of coronavirus cases emerging from bars and restaurants and how to handle that.

And most disturbingly, how to keep it from the public. (more)

This totalitarian power grab is a pattern amid blue states and blue regions where Democrats are in charge.  The underlying ideology of democrats is based on government control over the lives of people; as a result these revelations only serve to highlight just how severe the ideological manipulation is.

…”The key for continued economic success is to get the blue regions and blue states to re-open their economies. However, unfortunately that positive direction is against their political interests. Democrats are willing to inflict economic pain for political benefit.”…