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Public School Teachers Continue To Insist Their Jobs Are Non-Essential

U.S.—Public school teachers gathered outside the schoolhouses of the nation this week, continuing to insist quite adamantly that their jobs are non-essential.

“We need to lockdown all non-essential work, like teaching, due to the coronavirus pandemic,” stated one teacher protesting outside her local elementary school. “What we do in the classroom is really not adding the kind of value to your children’s upbringing that we should risk spreading the virus.”

“If you look at the graduation rates, standardized test scores, and the studies that indicate public schools aren’t preparing students for the real world, believe me, we’re not doing your child any favors,” she added.

Another teacher holding a sign which read ‘Don’t Make Us Work!’ quickly chimed in, “But we should still be paid until there is a vaccine. People are suffering in this crisis, essential workers and non-essential workers alike, and we all just need to get through this together. God bless our essential workers.”

At publishing time, the protesters had ordered food delivery and more protesting supplies that arrived to them thanks to the hard work of actual essential workers.