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After claiming he’s taken multiple cognitive tests, Biden “clarifies”

Mashed Potato Brain Biden scoffs at the idea he needs to take a cognitive test in the most rambling and confused answer imaginable.

There’s ample reason to be concerned that Joe Biden is in cognitive decline. Given his confusion, bizarre non-sequiturs, sentences that fade away to nothing, and sudden outbursts of anger or inappropriate laughter, it’s hard not to conclude that Joe Biden bears all the signs of a man in the throes of dementia.

In short, the guy has mashed potatoes for brains.

So in an effort to address the concern that Democrats are nominating a man with mashed potatoes for brains, in late June, a Fox reporter asked the gibbering old coot if he has been tested “for some degree of cognitive decline.”

Biden’s answer? “I’ve been tested. I’m constantly tested.”

Understandably, most people’s reaction to Biden’s answer fell along these lines:
“Gee whiz. If he has to be ‘constantly tested’ for cognitive decline, doesn’t that indicate that the Biden campaign is genuinely worried about the sputtering, hapless old codger?”

Well, according to CNN, yesterday Joe Biden “clarified” his answer. What he meant to say was, “No. I’ve never been tested.”

Which, by my thinking, pretty much proves the guy’s cognitive function is malfunctioning.

It doesn’t say much about CNN’s cognitive function either when you get right down to it. Biden didn’t “clarify;” he said the very opposite of what he said on June 30th.

But wait!  It gets worse.

Here is the clip of Mashed Potato Brains “clarifying” his answer.  Hang on to your hats, because it’s a doozy.

Oh, dear.

This is even more painful to watch than the “You ain’t black” clip.

Now do you understand why the Democrat Party’s media handmaids are urging Biden to skip the debates?

If Joe actually thinks this response will put to rest the idea that he’s not all there, then, well, he ain’t all there.