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Lightweight Lori: Tough on gay sunbathers, weak on looters

Lightweight Lori seems to reserve her tough-talking shtick for barbecuing neighbors and gay sunbathers.

It appears Karma decided to make Lightweight Lori Lightfoot its bitch.

Over the weekend the lightweight mayor of Chicago got all bug-eyed and angry at gay residents enjoying a little weekend fun in the sun by Lake Michigan.

“It’s called a pandemic, people.”

Don’t make Lori angry!  You won’t like Lightweight Lori when she’s angry!

She’s tough on gay sunbathers, yes sir!  And if those scantily-clad boys insist on hanging out on the lakefront in the hot summer sun, Lightweight Lori will have no choice but to shut down the parks and lakefront!

See what you made her do, you gay sunbathing guys!!

And the very next day, Karma made its move.

After an armed suspect who fired at police was shot and killed, violent criminals, delighted to have a pretext to steal, descended on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile.

They spent the night looting high-end stores along the Mag Mile and other parts of downtown.  Hell, someone actually rented a U-Haul truck to make carry-out looting more convenient.

Odd how Lori hasn’t tweeted her “It’s called a pandemic, people” lecture to those mischievous scamps making off with sacks and U-Hauls full of Louis Vuitton bags, designer watches and all those other “necessities” one needs in order to get “justice.”

But this is Lightweight Lori’s modus operandi, is it not?

Just a few weeks ago while violent rioters were attacking police in Grant Park, Lightweight Lori was threatening to arrest and jail city residents who have the temerity to hold a neighborhood party.

“Don’t make us treat you like a criminal,” the tough-talking lightweight told those barbecue scofflaws. “But if you act like a criminal, and you violate the law, and you refuse to do what is necessary to save lives in the city in the middle of a pandemic, we will take you to jail. Period.”

Lightweight Lori seems to reserve her tough-talking shtick for barbecuing neighbors and gay sunbathers.

Those guys she’ll treat like criminals.

But criminals?

Meh.  Not so much.

I’m telling you, Bill de Blasio had better watch his back because Lightweight Lori really wants the title of “America’s Worst Mayor,” and she wants it bad.